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US History Chap 5/6


John D. Rockefeller he used vertical integration to make his company--Standard Oil-- more competitive.
Andrew Carnegie immigrated to the U.S. from Scotland and established some of the first monopolies in the U.S. Steel Works. Believed in Free Market economy
Thomas Edison One of the most prolific inventors in U.S. history. He invented the phonograph, light bulb, electric battery, mimeograph and moving picture.
Henry Bessemer (Bessemer Process) Invented a converter to blast air through through iron and thus burning the excess carbon and impurities
JP Morgan He was a banker who financed the reorganization of railroads, insurance companies, and banks. He bought out Carnegie and in 1901 he started the United States Steel Corporation
George Custer United States general who was killed along with all his command by the Sioux at the battle of Little Bighorn (1839-1876) after foolishly dividing his forces
Sitting Bull Sioux medicine man and chief, was the political leader of his tribe at the time of the Custer massacre and during the Sioux War
William McKinley President who initially opposed war with Spain but eventually supported U.S. acquisition of the Philippines
William Jennings Bryan Cross of Gold speech was a speech delivered by William Jennings Bryan at the 1896 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. The speech advocated bimetallism
GompersSamuel Gompers responsible for the formation of one of the first labor unions. simple philosophy: concentrate on only bread & butter issues and bargain, Better hours, wages
Wovoka initiated the Native American "ghost dance"
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