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Prchallenge History

C1 WK 1- tell me about the commandments 1-5 1.thou shalt have no other gods before me, 2. not make unto thee any graven image, 3. not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain, 4. remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy,
C1 WK 2- tell me about commandments 6-10 5. honor thy father ad mother: that thy days may be long upon the land the Lord thy God giveth thee6 thou shalt not kill, 7. not commit adultery, 8. not steal, 9. not bear false witness against thy neighbor, 10. not covet
C1 WK 3- tell me about the Greek and Roman gods Zeus- Jupiter, Hera- Juno, Ares- Mars, Aphrodite- Venus, Artemis- Dianna, Hermes- Mercury
C1 WK 4- tell me about the seven wonders of the ancient world the seven wonders of the ancient world are
C1 WK 5- Tell me about the split of the Roman Empire the roman republic fought the Punic wars, which were followed by the Pax Romana.In 286 AD, the empire divided into the Western and Eastern empires until Germanic barbarians defeated the Western Empire, in 476 AD.
C1 WK 6- tell me about the fall of Rome Taxes, Slavery, Unemployment, and Diseases all contributed to the fall of Rome.
C1 WK 13- tell me about the Kush the Kush mined gold along the Nile River from 2000 BC to 350 AD. The Berbers traded gold, iron, and salt in the desert.
C1 WK 7- tell me about Hinduism Hinduism, founded around 1500 BC, teaches Brahman is the “one great spirit” and that people are divided into castes. Founded around 530 BC, Buddhism teaches that Siddhartha was the “Enlightened one.”
C1 WK 10- tell me about the Heian Empire As the Heian Government weakened in Japan showguns began to rule and expelled all foreigners during the period of isolation. Circa 1853 commodore Matthew Perry of the U.S. restored trade allowing the Meiji to modernize Japan.
C1 WK 16- tell me about the civilizations of Mesoamerica three of the advanced civilizations of Mesoamerica were the Olmecs, Mayans, and Aztecs.
C1 WK 17- tell me about the Aztecs The Aztecs used rituals of human sacrifice. Their civilization began to fall when Hernan Cortez of Spain defeated Montezuma in 1519.
C1 WK 18- tell me about the Mound Builders Circa 1000 BC to 1450 AD, three North American mound building civilizations were the Adena, the Hopewell, and the Mississppians.
C1 WK 19- the Anasazi The Anasazi of the southwestern built adobe villages on the sides of the cliffs from 500 BC to 1200 AD.
C1 WK 9- Tell me about Confucious Confucious who lived from 551 BC to 479 BC taught obedience and respect. Taoism means “ the path that emphasizes harmony with nature.”
C1 WK 11- Tell me about the Byzantine Empire In 313 AD, Byzantine emperor Constantine legalized Christianity. Emperor Justinian’s code gave rights to all men. After Basil II and the Golden Age, Muslim Turks conquered parts of the Byzantine Empire, which led to the crusades.
C1 WK 12- Tell me about the Muslim Empire in 622 AD, the Muslim Empire’s religion was founded by Muhammed who worshipped Allah. The ottoman empire expanded the Muslim Empire until weakness forced westernization.
C2 WK 1- Tell me about Charlemagne in 800 AD, during the medieval period, Pope Leo the III crowned Charlemagne holy Roman Emperor of Europe.
C2 WK 2- Tell me about William the Conqueror After the church split into Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox, William the Conqueror defeated king Harold of England in 1066 and started feudalism.
C2 WK 3- Tell me about the crusades Eleanor of Aquataine and her son Richard the Lion Hearted fought the Turks for Jerusalem during the time of the Crusades which occurred from 1095 to 1291.
C2 WK 4- Tell me about the magna carta English king John signed the Magna Carta in 1215 limiting the kings power. Later England’s king Edward III claimed to be king of France and began the Hundred years war in 1337.
C2 WK 5- Tell me about the Hundred years war During the Hundred Years’ War, Joan of Arc and king Charles the VII led the French to defeat England at the Battle of Orleans. In the late 1340’s fleas on rats carried the plague which killed one out of three Europeans.
C2 WK 10-Tell me about the history of Russia Vladimir I brought Christianity to Russia in the 900’s. In the late 1400’s Czar Ivan the great built the kremlin in Moscow. Catherine the great expanded and westernized Russia in the late 1700’s.
C2 WK 6- Tell me about the Renaissance During the Renaissance period from 1350 to 1600, Da Vinci was a famous inventor. Shakespeare was a famous play write. Michelangelo was a famous artist. Copernicus was a famous scientist.
C1 WK 14-Tell me about the Songhai In the 1400’s, the Songhai ruled Timbuktu. The Zanj were skilled craftsmen and traders the Zimbabweans were wealthy skillful stone craftsmen.
C1 WK 15- Henry the navigator: Henry the navigator: In the 1400’s, Henry the Navigator established colonial rule in Africa, leading to slave trade between the Portuguese and the Ashanti.
C2 WK 8-Tell me about European exploration: Between the late 1400s and the mid 1500s, Dias rounded the cape of good hope, Amerigo Vespucci sailed to the Americas, Balboa crossed Central America to the Pacific, Magellan’s crew sailed around the globe, and Coronado explored the American Southwest.
C3 WK 1- Tell me about Christopher Columbus: In 1492, Columbus made the first of four trips to the Caribbean on three Spanish ships named the Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria.
C2 WK 9- Tell me about the age of absolute monarchs: Between the 1500’s and 1700’s, Henry of England, Louis XIV of France, Phillip II of Spain, Peter the great of Russia, and Fredrick the great of Prussia ruled during the age of absolute monarchs.
C2 WK 7- Tell me about the reformation: in 1517, Martin Luther began the protestant reformation by writing the ninety- five theses that made pope Leo X excommunicate him. Later John Calvin joined the reformation.
C1 WK 21- Tell me about the exploration of Canada: John Cabot and Samuel de Champlain explored Canada and the St. Lawrence River. Creation of the Hudson bay company, in 1670, eventually led to war between Britain and France. The maple leaf is the symbol of Canada.
C3 WK 2- Tell me about the Pilgrims: n 1620, the pilgrims from Plymouth, England signed the mayflower compact before landing Plymouth, Massachusetts.
C2 WK 13- Tell me about the industrial revolution: Watt’s steam engine, Cartwright’s power loom, and Whitney’s cotton gin spurred the industrial revolution that began in the 1760’s.
C3 WK 3- Tell me about the Boston tea party: In 1773, Colonists dressed as Mohawks dumped tea from the British east India company into the Boston Harbor
C3 WK 4- Tell me about the Declaration of independence: In 1776, the Continental Congress published the Declaration of Independence in Philidelphia announcing the Colonists intent to form a new nation.
C3 WK 23- Tell me the preamble to the U.S. constitution: "" US, in order to form a perfect union establish justice and ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense and " the general welfare, and secure the blessings of " to ourselves and our posterity. Do ordain and establish this "for the USA
C3 WK 5- Tell me about George Washington: In 1789 in New York, George Washington was granted the full powers and responsibilities of the presidency by the U.S constitution.
C3 WK 24- Bill of rights: 1. Freedom 2. Own guns 3. Quartering Soldiers 4. Warrants 5. Cannot testify against self 6. Right to a speedy trial 7. Right to a jury 8. Cruel unusual punishment 9. Peoples rights 10. States rights
C2 WK 11- French revolution: in 1789, the French Revolution began when citizens stormed the bastille and fought for the declaration of the rights of man later during the reign of terror the aristocrats heads removed by the guillotine.
C1 WK 23- Liberation of South America: In the early 1800’s, San martin of Argentina, O’Higgins of Chile, and Simon Bolivar of Venezuela fought to liberate south America from Spain.
C3 WK 6- Louisiana Purchase: In 1803, the purchase of Louisiana from France prompted westward exploration by pioneers such as Louis and Clark and Congressman Davy Crocket.
C3 WK 7- The war of 1812 the war of 1812 gave confidence to the U.S to write the Monroe doctrine warning Europeans not to attempt to colonize the Americas.
C2 WK 12- Napoleon Bonaparte: Napoleon Bonaparte of the French empire was defeated at the battle of waterloo like British general Wellington soon after the war of 1812 in the United States.
C1 WK 24- Napoleon Bonaparte When Napoleon threatened the Portuguese Empire, King John VI fled to Brazil. His son Dom Pedro, granted Brazil independence in 1822
C3 WK 8- Tell me about the Missouri Compromise: In 1820 Henry Clay worked out the Missouri Compromise allowing Missouri to enter the union as a slave state and Maine as a free state.
C3 WK 9- Tell me about the compromise of 1850: The compromise of 1850, the Fugitive Slave act, and the Dred Scott decision preceded the secession of the southern states.
C1 WK 8- Age of Imperialism during the age of imperialism, the British established rule over India in 1858 and queen Victoria was declared the empress of India in 1877 before his assassination in 1948, MG led the passive ressistence movement which helped win india's independence
C1 WK 20- Mexican Revolution Circa 1910 during the Mexican Revolution, Poncho Villa and Emilliano Zapata fought the federales for land and liberty
C1 WK 22- British North America Act the British North America act established the dominion of Canada the Canadians gained total independence from britian in 1982 french is spoken in the province of Quebec
C2 WK 14- WWI leaders Clemenceau of France, Lloyd George of England, Nicholas II of Russia, Wilhelm II of Germany, and Wilson of the U.S. were leaders during WWI, which started in 1914 and ended in 1918
C2 WK 15- WWI Countries During WWI, Great Britain, France, and Russia were Allies and fought against Austria-Hungry and Germany, which were called the Central Powers. In 1917, the U.S. entered the war assisting the Allies
C2 WK 16- WWII began WWII began in 1939 when Hitler invaded Poland. Two engagements that helped the U.S. win the Pacific front were the Battle of Midway and dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
C2 WK 17- WWII Axis leaders WWII AXIS leaders were: Hitler of Germany, Tojo of Japan, and Mussolini of Italy. WWII ALLY leaders were: Churchhill of England, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, and MacArthur of the U.S., and Stalin of the USSR
C2 WK 18- UN In 1945, after the League of Nations failed to prevent WWII, American President Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Churchill, and USSR premier Stalin began the United Nations
C2 WK 19- Korean War in 1950, Douglas MacArthur led UN troops to stop communist North Korea from capturing all of South Korea during the Korean War.
C2 WK 20- Vietnam War in 1965, President Johnson sent U.S. troops to stop communist North Vietnam from capturing all of South Vietnam during the Vietnam War.
C2 WK 21- End of the Cold War in the 1980's British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and U.S. president Ronald Reagan worked together to end the cold war, lessen big government and strengthen the conservative movement
C2 WK 22- fall of Communism in 1989, the communist dictators began to fall in Eastern Europe when soviet president Gorbachev refused to back them up with military forces
C2 WK 23- Gulf War in 1990, President Bush sent troops to the Persian Gulf to expel Iraqi leader Suddam Hussein from Kuwait during the Gulf War
C2 WK 24- Apartheid ending 1994. South African President de Klerk allowed free elections. Nelson Mandela became the first black president, demonstrating apartheid was ending
C3 WK 10- President Polk In 1853, after the Mexican War and the Gadsden Purchase, President Polk's belief in manifest destiny was realized
C3 WK 11- Civil War in 1861, the Civil War began when President Abraham Lincoln went to war with the southern states which had seceded from the union
C3 WK 12- Robert E Lee in 1865, General Robert E. Lee surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox court house in Virginia
C3 WK 13- Fourteenth Amendment in 1868, the Fourteenth Amendment made all former slavers u.s. citizens and paved the way for the civil rights movement
C3 WK 14- Tycoons During the late 1800's tycoons like Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Swift fueled the nations industrial age by developing American Resources
C3 WK 15- Theodore Roosevelt in 1898 Theodore Roosevelt and his Rough Riders defeated Spanish at the Battle of San Juan Hill while trying to help the Cubans win their independence.
C3 WK 16- Immagrants From 1820 to 1930 more than 37 million immigrants came to America seeking freedom and the opportunity to increase their personal wealth.
C3 WK 17- President Wilson in 1917, President Wilson asked congress to declare war on the Central Powers two years after German-U- boats sank the Lusitania, killing American citizens
C3 WK 18- Pearl Harbor On December 7 1941 the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, causing the U.S. to join the Allies in World War II
C3 WK 19- NATO In 1949, the U.S. and its allies formed NATO to resist the spread of Soviet communism.
C3 WK 20- Brown vs. Board of Education In 1954, in Brown v. Board of education the U.S. supreme court ruled that the segregation of public schools by race is unconstitutional.
C3 WK 21- U.S Astronauts in 1969, U.S. astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin were the first men to walk on the moon.
C3 WK 22- September 11 On September 11, 2001, the world trade center in New York City was destroyed by Muslim terrorists, beginning America's war on Terrorism.
Created by: CHAClarksville
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