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Chapter 13 Section 1

What was the Second Great Awakening? a period of widespread envagalism
To whom did the Second Great Awakening appeal mostly? young women
What was transcendentalism? the idea that people could trancend the material things in life
Name 3 influential figures who found inspiration in transcendentalism. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Margaret Fuller, Henry David Thoreau
Which person was responsible for the essay, "Self-Reliance" discussing concerns about society? Emerson
Which author's writings eared the person a reputation as a champion of women's rights? Fuller
Which writer lived alone in the woods for 2 years learning about self reliance from isolation? Thoreau
What is utopian community? a group people working to establish a perfect society on earth
Who started a community of Shakers, and how did they get their name? Ann LeeBecause of their tendency to shake their bodys during worship
How did the Shakers live? in an extremely plain life stylethey banned private ownership of property
Explain the idea behind the romantic movement that began in Europe. it drew upon the idea that each individual brings a unique perspective to the world that is best expressed by emotion rather than reason
Who was the leading romantic painter? Thomas Cole
What was one of the best known examples of romantic literature, and who was the author? The Scarlet LetterNathanial Hawthorne
What is Herman Melville's novel that is thought to be one of the finest American novels ever written? Moby-Dick
Name several poets who wrote during the romantic period. Henry Wadsworth LongfellowWalt WhitmanEmily DickonsonJohn Greenlea WhittierEdger Alan Pope
Which of these poets was the most popular during the mid-1800s? Longfellow
Created by: boogasdancer101
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