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7th Chap 3 Vocab

Chapter 3 Vocabulary

death rate number of deaths per year out of every 1,000 people
birth rate number of births per year out of every 1,000 people
famine severe lack of food
population density average number of people love in a square mile or square kilometer
urbanization growth of cities
emigrate to leave a country and move to another
refugee person who flees to another country to escape persecution or disaster
culture way of life of a group of people who share similar beliefs and customs
ethnic group people with a common language, history, religion, and some physical traits
dialect local form of language that may have a distinct vocabulary and pronunciation
democracy form of limited government in which power rests with the people, and all citizens share in running the government
dictatorship form of government in which a leader rules by force and typically limits citizens' freedoms
monarchy government led by a king or queen who inherited power by being born into a ruling family
civilization highly developed culture
cultural diffusion process of spreading ideas, languages, and customs from one culture to another
culture region areas that includes different countries that have similar cultural traits
globalization development of a worldwide culture with an interdependent economy
natural resource material from the Earth that people use to meet their wants and needs
renewable resource natural resource that can be replaced naturally and grown again
nonrenewable resource natural resource such as a mineral that cannot be replaced
economic system system that sets rules for deciding what goods and services to produce , how to produce them, and who will receive them
developed country country with an economy that has a mix of agriculture, a great deal of manufacturing and service industries, and that is very productive and provides its people with a high standard of living
developing country country that has limited industry, where agriculture remains important, and incomes are generally low
newly industrialized country country that is creating new manufacturing and business
export to sell goods or resources to other countries
import to buy resources or goods from other countries
tariff taxes
quota number limit on how many items of a particular product can be imported from a certain nation
free trade removal of trade restrictions so that goods flow freely among countries
interdependence condition that exists when countries rely on each other for ideas, goods, services, and markets
Created by: veroncia.crim
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