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european culture

social studies

Judaism This major religion is a monotheistic religion that began in Southeast Asia. The old Testament in includes the Torah the main holy book of the important figures of the religion include Abraham and Moses. it is the oldest of the three religions
Christianity this major religion in Europe is monotheistic religion that began in southeast Asia. the people of this religion read both the old and new testament. Jesus s the central main figure in this religion . during the middle ages many cathedrals were built as p
Islam This major religion of Europe is a monotheistic religion that began in southeast Asia. The people of this Muhammad. They also believe in the five pillars of faith
monotheism The belief in one god.
Abraham Father of Christianity, Judaism, Islam.
Silk Road The name of the dangerous land trade route from Europe to asia
prince Henry this monarch of Portugal who created a school of navigation, built ships called caravels, and paid for several voyages around Africa to find a trade route to Asia
Columbus This explorer sailed for King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. He sailed west hoping to find a route to Asia. He discovered, Cuba, the Bahamas, and south America
Portugal this country sent explorers around the tip of Africa to establish new trade routes to Asia as well as colonize Brazil
Spain this country sent conquistadors like Cortes and Pizarro to the central and south America for god, glory, and gold
France This country sent explorers like Samuel De Champlain and Jacque Cartier to claim land and for fur
United Kingdom This country sent explorers like Henry Hudson to North America
colonization taking over land and creating permanent settlement on them
industrial revolution the time period in European history when goods began being made by machines. the need for more raw material led to imperialism
age of imperialism the time period of European history when Europe began colonizing Asia and Africa
militarism building up army's to protect an empire
nationalism extreme pride in ones country
alliances agreements between country's for protection
UK this country had the largest empire n Europe at one time with colonies in north America, South America, Asia, Africa and Australia
Archduke Franz Ferdinand this man was assassinated by Serbia nationalist beginning WW1
allied powers this alliance was made up of the country's US, France, and Great Britain who won WW1
central powers this alliance was made up of the Ottoman Empire, Germany, and Austria-Hungary who lost WW1
Czar Nickolas II the last Czar of Russia
Bolsheviks a group of people who wanted Czar Nickolas II off the throne and succeeded
Vladimir Lenin the first dictator of Russia who brought communism to the country
Treaty of Versailles the treaty that ended WW1 and made Germany pay severe punishments
Economic Depression when the economy crashes and money inflates and is useless
Nazism a form of extern=me nationalism that caused Germany to enter dictatorship
holocaust the mass murder of six million Jews
allied powers the alliance made up of France, Great Britain, USSR, and the US who won WW2
axis powers An alliance made up of Germany ,Italy , Japan who lost WW2
Berlin Wall A wall set up tom separate East Germany {communist] and west Germany {democracy} after WW2
Soviet Union after WW2 this nation that controlled east Europe, east Germany, and east Berlin
cold war when the US and the soviet Union threatened each other with nuclear weapons, but never actually did anything
reunification when east and west Germany reunited into one country
US and Soviet Union these two country's world wide super powers after WW2
communism a type of government where the government control all the land for the benefits of the people
Created by: G queen
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