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WHH Early Mid Ages


Apprenticeship child labor which trained boys for a trade in exchange for room and board
Christendom the vast Christian civilization of Western Europe
parish priest spiritual leader of the local Christian church
monastery/convent place where monks /nuns live and pray
culture one’s “way of life“
pilgrimage journey to a religious site of significance as a show of devotion to one’s faith
rite a ceremonial act or action
Mass the name given to the worship service of Catholic Christians
church (lower case c) the building in which Christians worship
Church (capital C) the hierarchical authority of the Christian church (“the Church”) AND refers to the Christian people as one unified “body of Christ”
sacraments the sacred rites of the Church which given outward sign of God’s presence
tithe money paid to support the works of the Church
diocese the geographic jurisdiction of a Bishop
Bishop spiritual and ecclesiastical laws leader of the Church in a specific geographic jurisdiction cathedral
cathedral home church of the Bishop and seat of authority and a diocese
parish local congregation of believers under a pastor (parish priest)
priest male authorized by ordination to perform the sacred rites of a religion
doctrine laws/rules taught as a principle of a religion
monastic people or things related to living in a monastery
monastery or Abbey (convent) building which houses persons under religious vows (monks/nuns)
monk man who takes religious vows (poverty, chastity and obedience)
nun woman who takes religious vows (poverty, chastity and obedience)
Abbot (male) or Abbess (female) person who is the leader in a monastery or convent
chastity physical and mental purity: abstinence from any sexual activity
vow a solemn promise to do or not do something
scriptorium a copying room for scribes especially in a medieval monastery
Liturgy of the Hours aka Divine Office daily prayers of the Church required for all religious persons (under vows) and optional for the laity
Charles Martel King of the Franks who prevented the Moors advance into France in 732 AD and founded feudalism
Charlemagne grandson of Charles Martel, King of the Franks 768-814 A.D., Holy Roman Emperor 800 A.D.
feudalism hierarchical political system of rule in the Middle Ages establishing mutual obligations between the peasants, knights, nobles and King
King leader in a kingdom; under feudalism assigns land to nobles in exchange for money and knights; receives taxes from all of kingdom
knight (vassal) lesser Lords who pledged military service and loyalty to the greater Lord in exchange for land
Lords (Nobles) upper-class royalty, assigned fief to knights in exchange of military protection
serfs people who are “tied to the land”; along with peasants they work the land for a knight/noble in exchange for protection
peasants people who work the land but are free to leave whenever they want; their work supplies food for all on the fief
missi dominici (MIHsee daw mih NEE chee) Charlemagne’s officials who went to check on roads, listen to grievances, and see that justice was done under each of the provincial rulers (nobles)
fief any size area of land given by a greater Lord to a lesser Lord in exchange for loyalty and military service
manoralism the economic system of feudalism which properly run were self-sufficient
Manor house house in which the Lord/noble lived on a fief, would be among the largest buildings
Middle Ages (medieval) the time period between the collapse of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance approximately 500 A.D. through 1300 A.D.
sowing the action of planting seeds
Holy Roman Emperor after the collapse of Rome, the Pope would give this title to strong Christian leaders who conquered in the name of Christ
Franks name of the people under Charles Martel and Charlemagne located in modern-day France
The Moors Muslims from North Africa that conquered parts of Spain, attempted to go further in Europe but were unsuccessful
Created by: DKROEGEL
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