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SS final review

Chapter 29 Vietnam

Who was JFK? Elected President in 1960; he was the youngest president to ever be elected in the U.S. and the first Roman Catholic President
Who was Lyndon B. Johnson? Vice President that was immediately sworn in as President after Kennedy's assassination
Who was Richard Nixon? Republican nominee who promised to restore American Society to "Peace and Honor"
What were some reasons for Involvement? Eisenhower sent aid to South Vietnam, Kennedy sent special forces, accompanied by South Vietnam
What was the Domino Theory? When American leaders believed if one country becomes communists a bordering country will fall to it as well
What was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolutions? The President had authority to take all necessary measures to repel against any armed attacks against the U.S.
Doves/Hawkes Doves wanted peace while Hawks wanted war
Who was Diem? Leader who put his family in top government positions to torture political enemies
Who was Ho Chi Minh? Vietnamese nationalists who believed that a revolution of communism would set the Vietnamese people free
What was Tet Offensive? Surprise attacks on South Vietnam, Embassy in Saigon
What was Vietnamization? Nixon's strategy to take U.S. troops out of Vietnam from and let the South Vietnamese do all the fighting
Student Protests Anti-Vietnam war, vocal protesters of the war
Kent State May 4 1970, 4 students died, 11 were wounded
What was Vietcong? Communists guerrilla forces that were supplied and funded by the North Vietnamese
Agent Orange/Nepalm Chemical defoliant
What was the War Powers Act? It Required the President to get congressional approval before sending U.S. troops
Created by: salm1
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