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War/Global Politics

Unit 6 War & Global Politics

Samuel Adams leader of Massachusetts Patriots
Patriots Colonists who wanted to break away from Britain's control
George III King of Great Britain during American Revolution
Loyalists Colonists loyal to Great Britain
torries believed the king should keep firm control of the colonies
whigs believed in colonial self government
boycott refusal to buy certain goods for political reasons
colony a territory ruled by its mother country
duties taxes on imported goods
economic pressure forcing a government to do something by causing economic harm
legislature a group assembled for the purpose of making laws
parliament an assembly of persons to make new laws or change old ones
tariffs taxes on foreign imports
New England Confederation an alliance formed between: Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Haven & Plymouth colonies
Committees of Correspondence committees organized during the Revolutionary War (towns, colonies)
Writs of Assistance allowed British soldiers to carry out searches (duties)
French & Indian War (7 Years War) conflict over US territory claims between the British & the French. British victory led to taxes on colonies
Sugar Act tax on sugar
Stamp Act tax on any printed material (in form of a stamp)
Quartering Act required colonists to house & supply British soldiers
Declaratory Act DECLARED that Britain had the right to tax the colonies
Townshend Acts series of laws that set taxes on various goods (glass, lead, paint, paper & tea)
Boston Tea Party Sons of Liberty dumped 45 tons of tea into the Boston Harbor to protest Tea Act
Coercive/Intolerable Acts a series of laws to punish the colonists for the Boston Tea Party
First Continental Congress delegates voted to ban all trade with Britain until Intolerable Acts were repealed
Second Continental Congress created the Continental Army; signed the Declaration of Independence
Navigation Acts required colonists to buy all imports from Britain (led to smuggling)
salutary neglect Britain's policy of allowing colonists to rule themselves
The Great Awakening religious movement that stressed independence from traditional authority
The Enlightenment an intellectual movement that emphasized reason and science
Proclamation Line of 1763 set boundaries for western settlement (What!?! We helped fight against the French & Indians & you're giving that land to the Indians!)
Boston Massacre a clash between British soliders & colonists; 5 colonists were killed
Crispus Attucks first casualty of the Revolutionary War (a black man)
Tea Act colonists were forced to buy tea from the East India Company
Battle of Lexington British soldiers sent to capture militia weapons; someone fired a shot (heard around the world!); first battle of the Revolutionary War
Mecklenburg Resolves an NC document that declared NC's independence; predates the Declaration of Independence
Halifax Resolves NC made 1st call for independence from Britain; was read before the Second Continental Congress
Battle of Moore's Creek 1st Revolutionary battel in NC; prevented British from gaining control of the South
strategy careful plan of action
Battle of Guilford Courthouse Americans lost but destroyed 1/4 of the British forces
Treaty of Paris Britain recognizes America's independence
nationalism strong feelings of pride & loyalty to a nation
sectionalism differences between regions
free-soilers an anti-slavery party
secede to break away
the Union 23 states with Abraham Lincoln as President that wanted to preserve the nation as a whole
the Confederacy 11 states (including NC) with Jefferson Davis as President that wanted to secede from the Union & form their own nation
abolish to put an end to a practice
abolitionist one who wanted to put an end to slavery
Missouri Compromise Missouri = slave state & Maine = free state to maintain "balance of power"
Compromise of 1850 California = free state; slavery decided by popular sovereignty
Fugitive Slave Law easier to file a claim to pursue runaway slaves even after they are in the free North
Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin revealing the horrors of slave life
Kansas-Nebraska Act (Bleeding Kansas) wanted slavery decided by popular sovereignty in those territories--caused supporters of both sides to flood those places & fights broke out
John Brown's Raid captured a federal arsenal; became a martyr for abolition
Nat Turner Rebellion bloody uprising of slaves; resulted in laws forbidding the educatoin of slaves
Wilmot Proviso attempted to stop spread of slavery to western lands
Dred Scott decision labelled slaves as property
Jefferson Davis Confederate States' President
Fort Sumter, SC first shots of Civil War
Battle of Gettysburg largest battle; depleted Confederate army
Emancipation Proclamation Lincoln announced that all slaves in the Confederate (rebel) states would be freed
Appomattax Courthouse Lee surrendered; ended the Civil War
War of 1812 Britain attempted to put a blockade on American ports
Mexican American War President Polk wanted to fulfill "Manifest Destiny"; took 1/3 of Mexico's land
imperialism a nation's policy of conquering and ruling other lands
militarism the idea that the military should be used to get what a nation wants
isolation remaining separate from other countries
alliance partnership with other countries
military draft a way to bring people into the army
immediate cause of WWI assassination of the Prince of Austria
reason for US entering WWI sinking of Lusitania (Americans onboard were killed)
Zimmerman Telegram intercepted communication from Gernany to Mexico promising them US land in exchange for fighting with Germany (WWI)
Treaty of Versailles end of WWI punishing Germany
immediate cause of WWII Germany invaded Poland (whose allies were France & Britain--who then declared war against Germany)
Axis Powers Germany Italy Japan
Allied Powers Britain, France (surrendered to Germany) USSR (after Germany invaded them) & US (after Pearl Harbor)
isolationist one who believes that it is in a nation's best interest to keep the affairs of other countries at a distance
Pearl Harbor Japan bombs US Naval base in Hawaii; US enters WWII
Hiroshima & Nagasaki Japanese towns that were bombed by the US (atomic bombs); caused Japan to surrender
Cold War time of tension between US & USSR without actual fighting
Berlin Crisis Berlin was divided into 4 sections; US controlled West Berlin & USSR controlled East Berlin
Korean War North Korea (Communist) invaded South Korea (US)
Vietnam War North Vietnam (Communist) vs. South Vietnam (US); US fought to stop the spread of communism
Cuban MIssile Crisis USSR was secretly building nuclear weapons on Cuba (within range of US land); US spy plan discovered; Pres JFK ordered a "quarantine" (blockade) around Cuba
Arms Race the activity of one country tyring to build more weapons than other countries
Created by: srafinney
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