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Klabunde History 11

Modern Asia

Results of China losing the 1st Opium War to Britain: Chinese pay, Great Britain takes Hong Kong, 5 ports opened
Ways British rule in India was a benefit to them in these ways: order, new school system, railroads and telegraphs
Kuomintang: Nationalist Party in China that were defeated by Mao Zedong
Great Leap Forward: plan to combine Chinese collective farms into larger communes
Boxers -Boxer's Rebellion: members of the secret society of Harmonious Fists; disliked and killed Christian missionaries and foreigners
Red Guard: high school and college students recruited by Mao Zedong during the Cultural Revolution to purge China of non-communist activities
Caused more than a million deaths in India: the division of India--Hindu in India and Muslim in Pakistan
Sepoy Mutiny: occurred when Indian soldiers heard rumor of the British gov't greasing bullets with pork fat; the war for independence started
Ping Pong diplomacy: in the early 1970's when China decided to improve relations with the US (ping pong was actually a sport played!)
the Little Red Book: Mao Zedong's plans to create a proletarian culture; he made the Three Rules of Discipline and Eight Points for Attention
India's most serious problem in the 1950's to 1960's population growth rate of more than 2 percent per year
Why students protested at Tiananmen Square: corruption and special treatment among officials
Tai Ping Rebellion: caused by the failure of Chinese gov't to deal with pressing internal economic problems
Opium War: started when Britian was trading opium to China to solve the trade imbalance; ended with the Treaty of Nanjing
Long March: led by Mao Zedong
Cambodian Communist group led by Pol Pot Khmer Rouge
Spheres of influence were: areas where the European states had exclusive trading rights in China
Nationalist government of China leader who fled to Taiwan: Chiang Kai-shek (Jiang Jieshi)
Mahatma Gandhi: used non-violence resistance to change society in India
Armenian genocide: Turkish government eliminating the Armenian people of Kars and Alexandropol
Amritsar Massacre: 1919 public meeting of Indians where British started shooting the peaceful gathering
India's civil disobedience against British 1920- they boycotted British cloth and started making their own using the spinning wheel; they also harvested their own salt (Salt March)
Created by: maplelakesped
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