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History 1942B
Final take three
Term | Definition |
Red Scare | |
Freedom rides | |
Sit ins | |
Bus Boycotts | |
SNCC | Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, college kids participate in Civil Rights, staged sit-ins. |
Black Panthers | A military group advocating armed confrontation. Bobby Seale and Huey Newton founded it. This organization was typically young African Americans, who were inspired by Carmichael's 'Black Power' speech, to protect people from police and also started many a |
The New Frontier | |
The Great Society | |
The Manhattan Project | |
Cuban Missile Crisis | |
The Berlin Airlift | |
Roe v. Wade | Roe v. Wade was the landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion. The case was decided on January 22, 1973, and was based around an unmarried pregnant woman named Roe, a resident of Texas. She wanted to have an abortion, but state law forbid |
Reaganomics | Reagan's economic program which cut taxes and government regulation in order to increase productivity, and eventually increase tax revenue as cash flowed into the economy. |
Southeast Asian country located in the South China Sea, it became part of the French Indochina in 1877. Vietnam had declared its independence but was still under French rule until 1954. In 1954, it was divided into communist North and anti-communist South | |
Korematsu vs. The U.S. | 1944 Supreme Court case where the Supreme Court upheld the order providing for the relocation of Japanese Americans. It was not until 1988 that Congress formally apologized and agreed to pay $20,000 to each survivor. |
Brown vs. Topeka Board of Education | 1954; supreme court found that segregation was a violation of the Equal Protection clause; "separate but equal" has no place; reverses decision of Plessy v Feurgeson. |
Truman Doctrine | (March 1947) President Truman's program to encourage nations not to give into communist expansion. $400 million were given to help Turkey and Greece; it was a response to Kennan's containment doctrine; generally, it stating that the US would assist free p |
Great Depression | The economic crisis and period of low business activity in the U.S. and other countries, roughly beginning with the stock-market crash in October 1929, and continuing through most of the 1930s. |
The New Deal | FDR's program to alleviate the problems of the Great Depression, focusing on relief for the needy, economic recovery, and financial reform. |
Gandhi | Indian activist who followed passive resistance. Worked for civil rights in Africa and peace between Hindus and Muslims in India. |
Dr. Martin Luther | U.S. Baptist minister and civil rights leader. A noted orator, he opposed discrimination against blacks by organizing nonviolent resistance and peaceful mass demonstrations. He was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. Nobel Peace Prize (1964). |
Cuban revolutionary who overthrew Batista dictatorship in 1958 and assumed control of the island country. His connections with the Soviet Union led to a cessation of diplomatic relations with the United States in such international affairs as the Bay of P | |
Organized Union Farm Workers (UFW); helped migratory farm workers gain better pay & working conditions. | |
The U.S. Roadway Act | The federal Road Way Act 1916 created the Federal-Aid Highway Program under which funds were available continuously to state highway agencies. |
Korean War | Conflict between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea- Communist) and the Republic of Korea (South Korea-Actually Democratic); North Korea, supplied and advised by the Soviet Union, invaded the South; The United Nations, (but mostly US), |
Zero Tolerance | Refusal to accept antisocial behavior typically by strict and uncompromising application of the law. |
Rosa Parks | United States civil rights leader who refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man in Montgomery 1955; triggered the national civil rights movement. |
Selma | a town in central Alabama on the Alabama river. Best known for the 1965 Voting Rights Movement and its marches to Montgomery, three such civil rights marches began in the city. |
Civilian Conservation Corps | an agency, established as part of the New Deal that put young unemployed men to work building roads, developing parks, planting trees, and helping in erosion-control and flood-control projects. |
National Recovery Act | Plan devised by the emergency congress designed to combine immediate relief and long-range recovery. It was designed to help the unemployed, labor, and industry. |
Tennessee Valley Authority | |
December 7, 1941; Japanese forces attack US military base in Hawaii; US entered war after this surprise attack. | |
Truman and the Atomic bomb | Truman’s decision to use the atomic bomb was due to the fact that it justifiable because it saved American lives. |
Code name for the secret United States project set up in 1942 to develop atomic bombs for use in WWII. | |
Hitler | Author of Mein Kampf; failed art student; joined Nazi Party; totalitarian dictator of Germany. |
State of hostility, without direct military conflict, that developed between the United States and the Soviet Union after World War II. | |
Woman and WWII | Women played a very important role during WWII both at home and in uniform. When the men left, women worked in defense plants, and for war-related originations. Nearly 350,000 women served in uniform both at home and a broad. Most were force out of their |
Beats | a social and artistic movement of the 1950's stressing unrestrained literary self expression and nonconformity with the mainstream culture. |
3 day rock concert in upstate N.Y. in August 1969; exemplified counterculture of the late 1960s; nearly 500,000 gather in a 600 acre field. | |
40th President of the United States; Iran Contra Scandal; supply-side economics; "The Great Communicator". | |
Guerilla warfare | sudden unexpected attacks carried out by an unofficial military group or groups that are trying to change the government by assaults on the armed forces. |
She was appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1981; she was also the first female justice on the high court. | |
Baby Boom | The sharp increase in the U.S. birth rate following the return of soldiers who had fought in World War II. |
Economic growth in the U.S. in the 1950s | Unemployment and inflation remained low. Some women kept jobs from the war, so female employment was on the rise. Standard of living steadily rose too. Many owned a car and a house and families moved into cities and suburbs. The number of College students |
Joseph McCarthy | He was a U.S. senator, who was known for accusing people of being communists without having any ‘real’ proof. |
Haight/Ashbury |