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1942B US History

1942B US History Review

Hooversvilles 1930s - Shanty towns built by unemployed and destitute people during the Great Depression.
Lend-Lease Act Marked a change in US policy from complete isolationism to partial involvement in WWII
Internment Camps Places where the American government put Japanese-Americans in, fearing they might be loyal to Japan, the enemy.
Marshall Plan Aided European recovery after WWII by loaning Europe $13 billion.
Highway Act of 1956 Created 41000 miles of expressways to connect major American cities.
Which president was primarily responsible for creating Vietnamization? Nixon
Domino Theory 1950s-80s - A theory that if one country in a region came under the influence of communism, then the surrounding countries would follow in a domino effect.
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution An authorization for the president to do what was necessary to protect US forces
McCarthyism Mass fear and hysteria about possible communist in the US after WWII
Red Scare The promotion of fear of a potential rise of communism.
Freedom Rides A plan in the deep south that brought white civil rights workers together with black civil rights workers in a journey to bus terminals
Sit-ins A form of protest in which demonstrators peacefully occupy a place, refusing to leave until their demands are met.
Bus Boycott 1955-56 - An event in the U.S. Civil Rights Movement, a political and social protest campaign against the policy of racial segregation on the public transit system of Montgomery, Alabama.
Brown vs. Topeka Board of Education 1954 - A US Supreme Court case in which the Court declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional.
SCLC Civil Rights group associated with Rev. Dr Martin Luther.
SNCC 1969 - Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), American political organization that played a central role in the civil rights movement.
Nation of Islam An organization composed chiefly of African Americans, advocating the teachings of Islam members are known as Black Muslims.
Black Panthers 1960s-70s - Members of a militant black American organization, formed to work for the advancement of the rights of blacks, often by radical means.
The New Frontier Term given to President Kennedy's domestic programs.
The Great Society Created by President Johnson to fight poverty, protect the environment, protect consumers and fight discrimination.
The Manhattan Project American development of an atomic bomb.
Bay of Pigs Invasion 1961 - An unsuccessful invasion of Cuba by Cuban exiles, supported by the U.S. government.
Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 - A confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union over the presence of missile sites in Cuba; closest US has ever been to nuclear warfare.
The Berlin Airlift 1940s - A military operation that brought food and other needed goods into West Berlin by air after the government of East Germany, had cut off its supply routes.
Watergate Scandal 1970s - a major political scandal that occurred in the US as a result of a break-in at the DNC headquarters at the Watergate office in Washington, D.C., and the Nixon administration's attempted cover-up of its involvement. Ended with Nixon resignation.
Roe vs. Wade The issue of abortion.
Reaganomics The president began to cut high taxes so people would invest more in the economy.
Plessy vs. Ferguson The Supreme Court Case which stated educational facilities were inherently unequal
Korematsu vs. The U.S. 1944 - A US Supreme Court case concerning the constitutionality of Executive Order 9066, which ordered Japanese Americans into internment camps during World War II regardless of citizenship.
Truman Doctrine A formal statement of intention for the US to aid any country threatened by communist aggression.
The Great Depression 1930s - The economic crisis and period of low business activity in the US, roughly beginning with the stock-market crash in 1929, and continuing through most of the 1930s.
The New Deal President Roosevelt's attempt to combat the Great Depression and get Americans back to work.
Mahatma Gandhi Influenced Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King's philosophy of non-violent protest.
Dr. Martin Luther King An African-American political leader of the twentieth century. The most famous member of the civil rights movement. He became famous in the 1950s & 60s through his promotion of nonviolent methods of protest for desegregation.
18th Amendment 1918-1933 - Established the prohibition of alcoholic beverages in the United States by declaring illegal the production, transport and sale of alcohol (though not the consumption or private possession).
Fidel Castro Cuba's leader during the Bay of Pigs invasion
Cesar Chavez Led Mexican-Americans in massive protests for better pay and benefits for field workers.
Korean War 1950-1953 - Also called the Korean Conflict between North Korea (aided by Communist China) and South Korea (aided by the US and other UN members)
Zero Tolerance A law, policy, or practice that provides for the imposition of severe penalties for a proscribed offense or behavior without making exceptions for extenuating circumstances.
Rosa Parks 1913-2005 - United States civil rights leader who refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man in Montgomery and so triggered the national Civil Rights movement
Selma, Alabama Best known for the 1960s Selma Voting Rights Movement and the Selma to Montgomery marches.
Civilian Conservation Corps 1933-1942 - A public work relief program that operated in the United States for unemployed, unmarried men from relief families as part of the New Deal.
National Recovery Act 1933 - (NIRA) A law passed by the United States Congress to authorize the President to regulate industry in an attempt to raise prices after severe deflation and stimulate economic recovery.
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) A corporation created by the federal government in the Great Depression to promote the economic development of the Tennessee River and adjoining areas. Part of the New Deal.
Pearl Harbor Occurred on Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, Japanese destruction was high because kamikaze pilots hit the fuel storage tanks, Roosevelt described the attack as a "date which will live in infamy".
How did Truman justify dropping the atomic bomb on Japan? He did not want to lose anymore American troops by launching a direct land invasion on Japan.
Hitler Nazi dictator of Germany during WWII. Chancellor of Germany in 1933. Established concentration camps to exterminate Non-Aryans.
Cold War 1945-1990 - Nonviolent Rivalry after World War II between the Soviet Union and its satellites and the US. Never militarily encountered each other.
How were women impacted with the US involvement in WWII? Women experienced unemployment with the GIs returned from the war, they had to take care of the home as well as the production of goods for overseas, and the experience higher employment rates in factories and industry.
Woodstock The youth counterculture of the late 1960s. 400,000 young people assembled in 1969 for a rock music festival.
Guerilla Warfare A form of irregular warfare in which a small group of combatants such as armed civilians use military tactics to fight a larger and less-mobile traditional military.
Who appointed Sandra Day O'connor Reagan
Baby Boom A marked increase in the birth rate after WWII.
Two factors that sparked economic growth in the US during the 1950s? Consumer demand and the need for national defense
Joseph McCarthy Asssociations The search of communists in the US government, a 'black list' of Hollywood actors, and increased censorship of reading materials
First president to visit the People's Republic of China Nixon
Haight-Ashbury A district in San Francisco, a center for hippies and the drug culture of the 1960s.
Bloody Sunday 1965 - 600 civil rights marchers are attacked by state troopers with nightsticks and tear gas while were heading out of Selma over Pettus Bridge to Montgomery. The brutal attack is televised and named "Bloody Sunday".
New Deal Programs The Civilian Conservation Corps, National Recovery Act, and Tennessee Valley Authority
Cold War Events Korean War, Cuban Missle Crisis, and Bay of Pigs Invasion. The Trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, The Berlin Airlift, and McCarthyism.
The Beats Members of a literary group who rebelled against the materialistic society of the 1950s.
Woodstock The rock festival that took place as part of the counter-culture movement of 1969.
Ronald Reagan He believed in supply-side economics, he faced scandal with the Iran Contra Affair, and he served as president through most of the 1980s
What country had military in Vietnam, before the US got involved, but was defeated in 1954? France
Contributing causes of the Great Depression: An unbalanced business system, a weak economy, and poor distribution of purchasing power.
How did Americans try to save money during the Great Depression? Sewing own clothes, growing own food, preserving food, and starting home businesses such as doing laundry, baking, and taking on borders.
What became communist after the Korean War under Kim Il-Sung? North Korea
What became democratic after the Korean War under Kim Il-Sung? South Korea
Containment A policy that the US practiced towards communism in the 1950s and 1960s.
The outcome of Watergate Investigation and the resignation of President Nixon has been used to point out what about the Constitution? The success of the Constitution as a living document that applies to all Americans.
Important statements about Americans fighting against Hitler's racism and discrimination during WWII Important statements about Americans fighting against Hitler's racism and discrimination during WWII.
Cold War is characterized as: A period of scientific competition between the US and the Soviet Union, The era of the superpowers who never encountered each other directly militarily, democracy vs. communism.
What is an important part of ending the Cuban Missile Crisis? Kennedy's naval blockade
Fighting in Vietnam Guerilla warfare, napalm, and bombings
Created by: elizabethmarcial
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