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Vietnam War

Ho Chi Minh leader of North Vietnam
Vietninh Communist group led by Ho Chi Minh
domino theory Theory that if Vietnam fell to Communism, all other SE Asian countries would follow.
Dien Bien Phu major French outpost captured by Vietnam. Also a decisive Vietnamese military victory that brought an end to French colonial rule in Vietnam.
Geneva Accords peace agreement that split Vietnam in two at the 17th Parallel
Ngo Dinh Diem leader of South Vietnam that was originally backed by the U.S
Vietcong communist rebel group in South Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh trail network of paths running between North and South Vietnam
Tonkin Gulf Resolution resolution that allowed President Johnson to fight in Vietnam
William Westmoreland commander of US troops in Vietnam
Napalm gasoline-based explosive
Agent Orange chemical that destroyed jungle land
search-and-destroy mission tactic in which US troops destroyed Vietnamese villages
credibility gap situation in which the US public no longer believed in the Johnson administration
Vietnamization President Nixon's plan for ending America's involvement in the war and turn the war over to the people of Vietnam.
silent majority those mainstream Americans who supported Nixon's policies
Pentagon Papers government documents that showed the government had no plan for leaving Vietnam
Henry Kissinger Nixon adviser who helped negotiate an end to the war
Khmer Rouge communist group that took control of Cambodia
War Powers Act act that forbids the president from mobilizing troops without Congressional approval
Hawks People who supported the war in Vietnam.
Doves People who opposed the war in Vietnam.
France Country that colonized Vietnam until they suffered a defeat in WWII.
Created by: kmcmenamin
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