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French - Food

l'abricot aprioct
l'addition bill
a emporter take away
l'agneau lamb
l'ail garlic
a point medium (steak)
l'ananas pinapple
l'artichaut artichoke
l'assiette plates
l'aubergine aubergine
avoir faim to be hungry
avoir soif to be thirsty
la baguette french bread
la banane banana
le beurre butter
bien cuit well done (steak)
la biere beer
le bifteck steak
les biscuits biscuits
le bistro cafe
le boeuf beef
boire to drink
la boisson alcoolisee non alcoholic drink
la boisson gazeuse fizzy drink
le bol bowl
le bonbon sweet
la bouteille bottle
la brasserie restaurant
le canard duck
la carafe decanter
la carotte carrot
carte menu
la cerise cherry
le champignon mushrooms
la charcuterie delicatessen
chaud warm
cher dear
chinois chinese
chips crisps
cidre cider
choisir to choose
le chou cabbage
chou fleur cauliflower
citron lemon
coca Coca cola
combien how much
commander to order
compris included
concombre cucumber
la confiture jam
consomme clear soup
cote chop
cotelette culet
couteau knife
couvert place setting
creme cream
crevettes shrimps
croissant crescent shape roll
crudites raw vegatable
cuiller spoon
dejeuner lunch
delicieux delicous
desirer to desire
dinde turkey
diner dinner
doux sweet
l'entree first course
l'erreur mistake
l'escalope escalope
les escargots snails
fixe fixed
fourchette fork
fraise strawberry
framboise raspberry
frites chips
froid cold
fromage cheese
fruit fruit
fruits de mer seafood
fume smoked
garcon waiter
gateau cake
glace ice cream
gout taste
gouter to taste/afternoon tea
gratuit free
haricot vert green bean
hors-d'oeuvre starter
l'huile d'olive olive oil
huitures oysters
indien indian
jambon ham
jus de fruit fruit juice
lait milk
laitue lettuce
lapin rabbit
limonade lemonade
manger to eat
morceau piece
moules mussels
moutarde mustard
mouton mutton
mur ripe
nouilles noodles
l'oeuf egg
offrir to offer
oignon onion
l'omelette omlette
le pain bread
pamplemousse grapefruit
parfum flavour
pates pasta
patusserie pastry
patron/patronne boss
peche peach
petits pois peas
pichet jug
pique nique picnic
plat du jour todays specials
poire pear
poireau leek
poisson fish
poivre pepper
pomme apple
pomme de terre potatoe
porc pork
potage soup
poulet chicken
pourboire tip
prendre to take
prix price
provisions groceries
prune plum
radis radish
raisin grape
recette reciepe
recommander to reccomend
regime diet
relais router transport cafe
repas meal
riz rice
roti roast
saignant rare (steak)
salon de the tearoom
saucisse sausage
saucisson dried sausage
saumon salmon
sel salt
serveur waiter
serveuse waitress
specilaite speciality
sucre sugar
tarte tart
tasse cup
terrasse terrace
the tea
tranche slice
truite trout
veau veal
vin blanc white wine
vinaigre vinager
vegetarien vegatarien
vertifier to check
verre glass
volaille poultry
yaourt yogurt
Created by: mishamoo
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