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Early Russia
History - Early Russia 5th Grade
Question | Answer |
boyar | a powerful Russian landowner |
czar | title of a Russian emperor |
czarina | the wife of a czar |
kremlin | a fortress built to protect a Russian city |
serf | a farmer who did not own the land that he was required to work on |
tribute | money or goods that weaker people are forced to pay to stronger people |
warm-water port | a port with waters that are not frozen during the winter; ships can use a warm-water port all year long |
What two people groups were settler of Early Russia | Slavs & Vikings |
The Slaves had to pay _____ to the Vikings | tribute |
Religion that worships many gods? | polytheistic |
Religion that worships on god? | monotheistic |
Who made Orthodox Christianity the religion of Russia? | Prince Valadamir |
Which people were a blend of Mongol and Turkic tribes? | Tartars |
The class of landowning nobles in Russia were known as _____. | Serfs |
Who was the first czar of a unified Russia? | Ivan III |
What are serfs? | Framers bound to the land they work |
Who ordered the construction of the Moscow Kremlin? | Ivan the Great |
Which czar do we remember as "The Terrible"? | Ivan IV |
Who was the czarina of Russia? | Anastasia Romanovna |
_______ ordered the building of St. Basils cathedral | Ivan IV |
What were some unique qualities of Peter the Great? | 1. Made people shave beards 2. Was 7 foot tall 3. 1st czar to travel outside of Russia |
What city is known as "Window on the West"? | St. Petersburg |
Which ruler of Russia was born in Germay? | Catherine the Great |
Who did Catherine the Great replace? | Peter III |
Did Catherine free the serfs under her rule? | No. |
Where was Russia's First warm-water port located? | Odessa, b/t Black Sea & Mediterranean |
What were some other achievements of Catherine's rule? | Free education to some boys and girls, built roads & schools, made warm-water port. |