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Natural Law rules discovered by reason people stopped believing the church and started believing in reason and sci. method
Natural Right right that belongs to all humans from birth, like life, liberty, and property
Diderot wrote encyclopedia which spread ideas
Censorship church and monarchs ban and burn books
Washington leader of continental army
Catherine the Great Enlightened despot- Equality and Liberty Abolished torture Religious Tolerance
Federal Republic government in which power id divided between the national, or federal, government and the states
Hobbes -wanted an absolute monarchy -people are born cruel and greedy -wanted people to sign a social contract -leviathan
Philosophe french word for philosopher; a french thinker who desired reform in society during the enlightenment.
Rosseau -people are naturally good, but evils of society corrupt them -separation of powers -GOOD OF COMMUNITY SHOULD BE PLACED ABOVE INDIVIDUAL INTRESTS
Salons informal social gatherings where at which writers, artists, philosophes, and others exchanged ideas.
Jefferson wrote declaration of independance, influenced by locke
Joseph II Religious equality Ended censorship Abolished serfdom
Locke -believed gov. should work for people and be limited -natural rights -2 treaties of gov.
Montesque -believed in the separation of powers -wrote the spirit of laws
Laissez Faire free market-allows business to operate with little to no government interference. customer demands control market
Enlightened Despot absolute ruler who doesn't want the enlightenment to come, so they accept some ideas, but not ones that threaten their power
Popular Sovergnity basic principal of the american system of government which asserts that the people are the source of any and all governmental power, and government can exist only with the consent of the governed.
George III lost the colonies
Social Contract an agreement in which people gave up their freedom to a powerful government to avoid chaos
Voltaire -freedom of speech -speaks out against problems, offends many
Adam Smith creator of lassiez faire and supports free market
Frederic II Reduced torture Allowed free press Religious tolerance
Treaty of Paris peace treaty made final in 1783 that ended the american revolution- Britain accepts that colonies are independent
Stamp Act tax on the colonies for paper goods to help George III pay for wars
how did the scientific revolution help lead to the enlightenment? The scientific Revolution Changed the way people thought about the world. during the enlightenment people began to apply this to everyday concepts.
compare and contrast john Locke and Thomas Hobbes (what sides would they be on?) Hobbes was with the calviers and king Charles Locke was with the round heads and parliment
who were the philosophies? explain each of the philosophies/ contributions to the enlightenment. Hobbes and locke lead the enlightenment -hobbes-absolute monarchy -Locke-gov works for people -montesquieu- 3 branches of government -voltaire- 3 branches of gov. -Diderot- Encyclopedia -Rosseau- social contract
what was the goal of women during the enlightenment? equality
how did economic theories change during the enlightenment? A. of E.-economies were mainly mercantilism, meaning that they had to export more than they import w/ heavy gov. interferance. Durring the enlightenment there was little gov. interference in a system called Lassiez- Faire
how did some monarchs and the church react to the enlightenment? they didn't like the enlightenment, but they knew they had to accept it. they would not accept enlightenment ideals that threatened their power.
who were the enlightened despots? describe ways each represented the enlightenment and ways they did not. Frederick- accepted religious tolerance, but didn't tolerate freedom of press Catherine- accepted relig. tolerance and equality Joseph- ended serfdom, accepted relig. tolerance they didnt accept what threatened their power
how did Britain become a global power? -Location- controlled trade -Climate- favorable for business, commerce, trade -they won many wars -they expanded their territory
describe colonists' attitudes regarding Britan - many thought they had the same rights as English citizens because they are being taxed -many saw themselves separate from Britan
Why did the colonists rebel against Britain? -"No taxation without representation"(George wanted them to help pay for wars) -Boston massacre, as a result the tea party
Describe the characteristics of the Declaration of independance popular sovereignty by the people for the people
Briefly describe how the Revolutionary war played out. Britain had many well trained soldiers, and the colonists weren't trained and few in numbers. when France, Spain, and the Netherlands got involved to help the colonists, britan was forced to surrender.
Describe the constitution. What enlightenment philosophies are present in the document? -Bill of rights(Locke, Voltaire) -Separation of power(Montesquieu) -Elected legislative and executive branch -federal republic
Created by: 18khester
Popular History sets




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