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SS Ch. 7

Ch7 Aryans

Ashoka Chandragupta's grandson who spread the message of nonviolence based on the teachings of Buddha through missionaries
Brahmans Indians high class consisting of priests and scholars
Buddhism religion based on the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path
nirvana state of complete bliss
caste system a group of people within a social class
Hinduism a religion of the Indian people that teaches about reincarnation until reaching spiritual perfection, most Indians believe this faith
reincarnation belief that your soul returns in another body
Sanskrit Indian language
Chandragupta a strict ruler that formed the Maurya Empire
Daoism a religion that teaches that the key to a long life and happiness is to accept life as it is
edicts commands or decrees
enlightenment to seek complete understanding of the truth
feudalism the political system of exchanging land for loyalty and protection
filial peity fulfilling one's duty to one's parents by being respectful to them
peasant a poor person who farms the land
nonviolence a peaceful way to bring about change
turning point a single event that causes important changes
varna social class
Jainism a religion based in the belief that every living being has a soul and a temporary physical body
Legalism teachings that promote obeying rulers out of fear and respect
rajahs Indian princes
Confucius a philosopher that spent time thinking of ways to improve life. He believed that rulers should treat their subjects much like a parent treats their children
missionary someone who is sent to teach others his/her religion
Vedas the Aryans' holiest books
Zhou Dynasty China's longest ruling class and used the system of feudalism
Silk Road a trade route that linked China with Europe
Gupta Empire called India's Classical Age which had many achievements in art, literature, medicine, and mathematics
Shi Huangdi emperor responsible for the Great Wall
Siddhartha Gautama founded Buddhism, known as Buddha or Enlightened One
Qin Dynasty ruled by Shi Huangdi and used Legalism as their form of government
Han Dynasty used a civil service system, education was important, believed in Daoism, invented 1st seismograph and promoted the Silk Road
Created by: jryan
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