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7-3.5 Burnette

Impact of Industrialism on Imperialism in Japan, China, and Africa

Industrialization the process of moving from an agricultural (farming) to an industrial economy based on production of factories and machine labor
Imperialism when a country takes over another country or people to gain access to its (their) natural resources and trade
raw materials natural resources such as oil, iron, or wood, used to make goods or products
Open Door Policy U.S. 1899 policy stating that China should be open to trade with all nations rather than just one or a few nations having control of the country
Berlin Conference of 1884 meeting of 14 European nations in Berlin in 1884-1885 which set the rules for the division of Africa with no African representation present, and with little regard to ethnic or linguistic boundaries, causing problems in Africa which last even to this day
Wealth gap the difference between the average amount of money, goods, and/or possessions between two peoples or classes
Industrialized nations nations which have an economy based on manufacturing and factories, and are thus richer
Non-industrialized nations nations which do not have an economy based on manufacturing and factories, and are thus poorer
Finished products the product or good that is the end result of the manufacturing process
Nationalist sentiment when a people believe that because their country is better than other countries, their country deserves to have more than other countries
Social Darwinism the belief that people of Western European origin, who were superior, or the “fittest” people, should prosper and survive, “justified” imperial conquests
Rudyard Kipling’s The White Man’s Burden this poem became an anthem for imperialism, stating it was the duty of the Western powers to take their superior culture to the lesser nations, despite the resistance they might encounter
anthem a song or writing which expresses loyalty or devotion to a country or a set of ideas
"Jewel of the Crown" India became this for Britain (its most important and most profitable colony in the British Empire
British East India Company a private company which initially ran the colony of India for England, then Great Britain, until the 1857 Sepoy Rebellion
Sepoy Rebellion an unsuccessful Hindu and Muslim revolt against British rule in India in 1857; it marked the first Indian effort to achieve independence from Great Britain
British Empire the colonies, lands, and territories ruled or controlled by Great Britain; at its height, it was the largest empire in world history, containing about one-fifth of the world’s population and about one-quarter of the Earth’s land area
Edo the name given to modern-day Tokyo, the capital of Japan, before the 1868 Meiji Restoration
Commodore Matthew Perry U.S. Navy officer whose fleet forced Japan to open itself to trade with the United States in 1853
Isolationism keeping one’s country or peoples apart from others
Meiji Restoration when the Japanese, beginning in 1868, quickly built up their industry and military so that Western nations could not take them over
Opium Wars two wars fought in the mid-1800s between the British and the Chinese when the Chinese government wanted Britain to stop selling opium, a horrible drug, to its people
Spheres of Influence from the mid-1800s to the very early 1900s, Britain and other European nations began carving China up so that they each controlled special trading and economic rights within their designated area or section of China
Belgian Congo King Leopold II of Belgium owned the Congo Free State from 1885-1908, and Congo was a Belgian colony thereafter from 1908-1969. Up to 10 million Congolese people died as a result of the horrible conditions suffered under Belgian rule.
Liberia and Ethiopia the only two African countries which imperial European powers did not colonize
South Africa a nation on the southern tip of Africa in which the Dutch, British, and Africans fought for land and resources
Created by: oburnette
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