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social studies

Kingdom and period ruled Khufu Old kingdom 2251-2528 B.C
Kingdom and period ruled Hatsheput New Kingdom 1473-1458 B.C.
Kingdom and period ruled Ramses New Kingdom 1290-1224 B.C.
Kingdom and period ruled Senusret Middle Kingdom 1971-1926 B.C.
Accomplishment Khufu great pyramid-statues/monuments-temples-smallertombs
Accomplishment Hatsheput rose to power-trade expeditions-Dayr al-Bahre
Accomplishment Ramses temple complex-age of ID captain of the army- expanded land- ruled fro 60 years
Accomplishment Senusret religious architecture- White chapel
Challenges Khufu strict control-powerful but kind
Challenges Hatsheput being female
Challenges Ramses reigning for 60 years- peacemaker- 100 wives
Challenges Senusret strong leader
Best known for Khufu builder of a famous pyramid (Giza)
Best known for Hatsheput art-architecture-trade
Best known for Ramses leadership-numerous monuments-temple complex
Best known for Senusret art-architecture-literaure-strong leader-White chapel
Middle kingdom period of reunification-200_1800 B.C-followed years of chaos and disunity, great acheviments in literature art and architrchture
new kingdom Golden Age-1600 to 1100 B.C.-peace and stability,power reached its height,increased trade,huge monuments built
old kingdom age of pyramids-2700_2200 B.C.-strong central government,great tombs,pyramids
king tut's pyramid golden mask-3 coffins inside each other-jewelry- good luck charm-statues-weapons-furniture-chariot- provided amazing glimpse into ancient Egypt
hitties first people to sign a peace treaty with khufu and lived in Egypt
pyramids a large building meant to house the mummified dead
mummify a complex process meant to preserve the body of nobels
pharoah the name a ruler of ancient Egypt might give himself/herself
Nile river longest river in the world- flows through eastern Africa to a delta in northeastern Egypt- flows north
contract a agreement that is typically long lasting
engineering constructing a plan to build a building
dynasty a family or group that rules for several generations
hieroglyphics an ancient form of writing created by ancient Egyptians and consisted of hieroglyphs
scribes a person who writes heiroglyphics
priests defintion perform and oversee religious cerimonies
government officals job was to assist pharaoh
vegitation Effect how Egyptians live and work where they live- how they spend their day outside
topography Effect how Egyptians live and work shape and elevation of land
water Effect how Egyptians live and work fresh for drinking- food recourse- hunted animals that lived near water- growing of crops-transportation
role of religon a big role in how they lived and worshiped
levels of social class Pharaoh-government officials-priest-scribes- artisans-pheasants
pharoah ruler of all people in egypt
government officals vizier-advised and carried out pharaohs commands chief treasurer-oversaw governments wealth and collected taxes general of armies-advised pharaoh in matters of war and national security
preiest role high priest- advised pharaoh and oversaw religious ceremonies temple priest-in charge of temples throughout Egypt priestess- oversaw temples devoted to music and dance
scribe military-number of enemies killed, army's soldiers, food supply legal- court cases, helped enforce laws normal- recorded grain and food supply, results of government consensus
artisans rarely got to sign work- small house- counted on employer for food- called upon to work on royal project
peasents paid taxes through crops- long hours of labor- had fun sometimes- 3 seasons(flooding, planting, harvest)- family job
inventions plow-potters wheel- irrigation system
Created by: emmats
Popular History sets




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