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Revolutionary War

Sam Adams -named Boston Massacre -member of Sons of Liberty -delegate to Continental Congress -started as failure -started Committees of Correspondence
Patrick Henry -famous quote "Give me liberty or give me death" -Virginia, young lawyer, powerful speeches -boycotted, protested, and gave a speech about the Stamp Act
Paul Revere -best silversmith -member of Sons of Liberty -courier (delivery person for Committees of Correspondence) -Boston Massacre engraving (propaganda)
Thomas Paine -published "Common Sense" which inspired people to fight for independence -from England -published "The Crisis" which was ordered to be read at the Battle of Trenton -paved the way for the Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson -author of Declaration of Independence -known as good writer, not a good speaker -part of Virginia's government -House of Burgesses -governor of Virginia after writing the Declaration of Independence -Delegate to 2nd Continental Congress
John Hancock -wealthy merchant from Boston (smuggled goods (sugar)) -member of Sons of liberty -elected president of Continental Congress -signed Declaration of Independence first/largest -famous quote "The British ministry can read that... -name means signature
Nathan Hale -volunteered as spy for Washington -British catches him-hung the next day -disguised as Dutch school teacher -famous quote "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country"
John Paul Jones -father of American Navy -hand to hand combat and wins the British war ship and uses it during the war -pulls his sunken ship alongside the British warship and is told to surrender but he says "I have not yet begun to fight"
Benedict Arnold -Washington's most trusted man -didn't think he got enough credit after the Battle of Saratoga -he plotted to give GB his fort at West point and somebody found out so he went and fought for GB -he moved to England -name means traitor
Francis Marion (Swamp Fox) -guerilla warfare -hit and run tactics -attacked at night -hid in swamps during the day
Deborah Sampson Disguised as man -took brother's name -fought for 2 years -was sick and her secret got out
Molly Pitcher -nickname by delivering pitches of water -when her husband got shot she took over the cannon
Battle of Lexington and Concord -known as shot heard around the world -started at Lexington -marched to Concord to get the weapons --colonists hide behind trees and took shortcut to ambush British
Battle of Bunker Hill -soldiers went up the hill instead of the side (one general-good idea, other-bad) -1,000 British, 400 colonists killed -colonial leader said "Don't fire until you see the whites in their eyes" -GB won (3 tries), US no ammo -moral victory for colonists
Battle of Trenton -surprise attack, on Hessians (day after Christmas) -Christmas night, Washington take troops across DE River -W. reads The Crisis" to encourage troops -British had no look out
Battle of Princeton -General Cornwallis and his troops get attacked from behind -surprise attack -Cornwallis said to fight in the morning -Washington didn't want to wait
Battle of Saratoga -had 3 armies converging -Howe went to Philly to battle Washington and doesn't tell other troops -Benedict Arnold battles St. Leger and doesn't tell other troops -no communication -only 1 army/colonists win -turning point of war -French help
Battle of Yorktown -last major battle -Cornwallis traps himself -Washington and French march on land -French navy on water -Cornwallis surrenders after 3 weeks (his soldiers did)
Treaty of Paris -GB will recognize US as an independent country -borders are from Canada to Florida and Atlantic to Mississippi River
French and Indian War -between GB and France -most Indians side with the French -GB wins -Treaty of Paris of 1763 ends the war -treaty forces France to give up most land -GB now controls Canada + lands to Mississippi River
British have Money Problems -GB feels colonists should help pay debt -King George doesn't want to spend money to protect frontier -Ohio River Valley good land/rich soil, colonists want to move there
Proclamation of 1763 -imaginary line across Appalachian Mts. -forbid colonists to move west of the line
1764 Sugar Act -lowered tax -to prevent smuggling
1765 Quartering Act -required colonists to pay for fighting and feeding soldiers
1765 Stamp Act -everyday items needed a stamp -first direct tax on colonists -slogan: "No taxation without representation"
Boycott -refusal to buy or sell GB goods to hurt GB's business
Repeal -cancel
1766 Declaratory Act -Parliament has right to rule and tax colonies in all cases
Sons of Liberty -male group finding ways to protest British policies
Daughters of Liberty -wear homespun, no tea
1767 Townshend Acts -import tax put on paint, glass, lead, paper, and tea -custom officers were at ports/another attempt to stop the smuggling
Writs of Assisstance -blank search warrants
Nonimportation Agreements -agreement to boycott all items taxed by Townshend Acts
Boston Massacre -colonial crowd gathers around soldiers throwing objects and insults -five colonists are left dead
Sam Adams names Boston Massacre -Paul Revere makes engraving
Propaganda -not telling the whole truth to get people to take your side
Patriots -people who support the colonists
Loyalists/Tories -people who support GB
Monopoly -something has complete control and can have high prices without competition
Duties -taxes
1772 Committees of Correspondence -Sam Adams set these up designed to keep colonists informed about GB actions -they wrote letters, pamphlets -delivered on horseback to spread alarm for whatever the British did
1775 Tea Act -was to lower the price of tea -cheaper than smuggled tea
Boston Tea Party -Sons of Liberty dressed as Indians threw 342 chests of tea into harbor in protest of tea act
1774 Intolerable Acts -punishment against MA -close port of Boston (no supplies) -town meetings (secret) -GB officers tried of any crimes in GB -colonies forced to house the new troops coming
1st Continental Congress -the first government of colonies -12 colonies present (no Georgia) -met to determine what to do about Intolerable Acts
2nd Continental Congress -all colonies present -John Hancock elected president
Created by: cchang13
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