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2017 Final

Fall 2014 Final

Magna Carta A legal document written by English lords in 1215 that stated certain rights and limited the power of the King
English Bill of Rights Guaranteed certain rights to English citizens. Introduced the concept of individual rights. (1689)
Mayflower Compact 1620 - The first agreement for self-government in America. It was signed by the 41 men on the Mayflower and set up a government for the Plymouth colony.
Virginia House of Burgessess. Set-up the first representative government group in the American colonies.
Fundemental Orders of Connecticut was the first written constitution in America
Northwest Passage a waterway through or around North America
Columbian Exchange the transfer of plants
Mercantilism an economic policy under which nations sought to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by selling more goods than they bought
1607 Jamestown the first permanent English colony on North America
1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue
1776 On July 4 of this year
1787 Constitution Written
Declaration of Independence a 1776 document stating that the 13 English colonies were a free and independent nation
Articles of Confederation America's first written constitution. Adopted by the Continental Congress in 1777
Constitution A document setting out the structure and main principles of a government
Saratoga Battle which was the "turning point" in the Revolutionary War
Yorktown The last major battle of the war in which Charles Cornwallis surrendered to George Washington. The French helped us. The was over
French and Indian War, this struggle between the British and the French in the colonies of the North America was part of a worldwide war known as the Seven Years' War
Albany Plan of Union Proposal by Benjamin Franklin to unite the British colonies; defeated by colonial legislature
Lexington and Concord first "battles"; meant to get supplies from militia
Thomas Jefferson Main author of the Declaration of Independence
George Washington Commander of the Continental Army
Thomas Paine Wrote Common Sense
John Adams Lawyer who defended British soldiers in the Boston Massacre trial. He believed in "innocent until proven guilty." In spite of these actions
Popular Soveriengty government by consent of the governed
Federalism A system in which power is divided between the national and state governments
Republicanism A philosophy of limited government with elected representatives serving at the will of the people. The government is based on consent of the governed.
Separation of Powers Dividing the powers of government among the executive
Checks and Balances A system that allows each branch of government to limit the powers of the other branches in order to prevent abuse of power
Individual Rights Basic liberties and rights of all citizens are guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.
Limited Government A principle of constitutional government; a government whose powers are defined and limited by a constitution.
Bill of Rights 1st 10 Amendments
Northwest Ordinance Enacted in 1787
1st Amendment Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion
2nd Amendment Right to bear arms
3rd Amendment Amendment that prohibits the required quartering of troops.
4th Amendment Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures
5th Amendment Criminal Proceedings; Due Process; Eminent Domain; Double Jeopardy; Protection from Self incrimination
6th Amendment Amendment that guarantees a speedy and public trial and the right to counsel.
7th Amendment Right to a trial by jury in civil cases
8th Amendment Cruel and Unusual Punishment
9th Amendment Citizens entitled to rights not listed in the Constitution
10 Amendment states retain powers not delegated under the Constitution and not prohibited by it to the states
1620 Mayflower Compact signed
1803 Louisiana Purchase
1861-65 Civil War
Created by: lhurst
Popular U.S. History sets




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