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1942A US History P

Andrew Retz's Extra Credit

The Compromise of 1850 A package of five separate bills passed in the United States in September 1850.
Manifest Destiny The widely held belief in the United States that American settlers were destined to expand throughout the continent.
The Gold Rush When gold was found by James W. Marshall at Sutter's Mill in Coloma, California.
Monroe Doctrine A US foreign policy regarding Latin American countries in 1823.
Bill of Rights The collective name for the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution.
Articles of Confederation A document signed amongst the 13 original colonies.
Life in the 1800s The change in society due to increased population, the extension of the railroads cross country, and the effects of the Industrial Revolution make a single all-encompassing answer impossible.
Farm life in the 1920s US agriculture had expanded during the First World War to sell food to Europe, but afterwards countries returned to growing their own a grain.
Imperialism A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
Gilded Age The late 19th century, from the 1870's to about 1900.
Social Gospel Movement A Protestant Christian intellectual movement that was most prominent in the early 20th century United States and Canada.
Tammany Hall A New York City political organization founded in 1786 and incorporated on May 12, 1789.
Political corruption of the 1800s New opportunities for earning money and truly made it possible for anyone to become rich.
Americanization movement The process of an immigrant to the United States of America.
Seneca Falls Convention The first women's rights convention.
Age of Enlightenment The era from the 1650's or earlier to around the 1780's .
Industrialization The period of social and economic change.
Fourteen Points A statement given on January 8, 1918 by United States President Woodrow Wilson.
Great Compromise An agreement that large and small states reached during the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
Muckrakers Reform-minded journalists.
Paparazzi Photographers who take pictures of athletes, entertainers, politicians, and other celebrities.
Abraham Lincoln The 16th president of the United States.
John Locke "Father of Classical Liberalism"
Magna Carta A charter issued by King John at Runnymede.
Hero Journalists Journalists that make important discoveries and news.
Advantages of the South in the Civil War South defending their homeland gave them a strong reason to fight.
Advantages of the North in the Civil War Had almost 4 times as many free citizens.
Thomas Jefferson The principal author of the Declaration of Independence.
18th Amendment Established the prohibition of alcoholic beverages in the United States by declaring illegal the production.
19th Amendment Prohibits any United States citizen from being denied the right to vote on the basis of sex.
21st Amendment Repealing the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which had mandated nationwide Prohibition on alcohol.
Volstead Act Enacted to carry out the intent of the Eighteenth Amendment, which established prohibition in the United States.
Scopes Trial An American legal case in 1925 in which a substitute high school teacher.
Sugar Act A revenue-raising act passed by the Parliament of Great Britain.
Stamp Act An act of the Parliament of Great Britain that imposed a direct tax on the colonies of British America on printed materials.
Intolerable Acts A series of punitive laws passed by the British Parliament in 1774 after the Boston Tea party.
Unjustifiable Acts Establishing special provisions of the Act on Prohibition of Private Monopolization and Maintenance of Fair Trade.
Boston Tea Party A political protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston.
Checks and Balances The system of checks and balances is a part of our Constitution.
“Supreme Law of the Land” The United States Constitution that establishes the United States Constitution, federal statutes, and treaties.
Federal vs. State powers Powers that the Constitution explicitly grants the federal government.
Reconstruction Transformation of the Southern United States from 1863 to 1877.
Rehabilitation Medical or Physical care.
Federalism A group of members are bound together by covenant with a governing representative head.
Trigger that began WWI Political, territorial and economic conflicts among the great European powers.
Music movement in the 1920s When jazz music and dance became popular.
Progressive Movement A period of social activism and political reform in the United States.
Main ideas of the Federalist The reasons to support the new plan of government described in the U.S. Constitution.
Main ideas of the Anti-Federalists Anti federalists are against centralized government.
Harlem Renaissance A cultural movement that spanned the 1920's.
Allied Powers of WWI Great Britain, France, Russia and Italy.
Year for Women to gain vote Passed by Congress June 4, 1919, and ratified on August 18, 1920.
Prohibition Movement The legal act of prohibiting the manufacture, storage, transportation and sale of alcohol including alcoholic beverages.
Laissez Faire A policy or attitude of letting things take their own course, without interfering.
Robert E. Lee An American soldier best known for commanding the Confederate Arm.
Factors that shaped the North’s development The economic interests of Americans.
What was the North called during the Civil War The Union.
Created by: Andrew Retz
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