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Forming a New Nation

Vocabulary- Forming the United States

1.Enlightenment 2. American Models of Government 3. British Government 3 areas Founding Fathers got ideas about new government from
Rule of Law Idea that even government officials are subject to the law
Magna Carta Document that was signed by King John in 1215 that put the king under the law
Enlightenment A period of time when people developed new ideas about human existence, including people’s basic rights and the control they should have over their governments and their futures.
Natural Rights All human beings deserves the right to life, liberty, property, and the freedom to find happiness
Social Contract Citizens give up some freedoms in order to have government protection of their rights as citizens
Consent of the Governed Idea that if government fails to uphold their end of the social contract, the citizens have a right to revolt
Republicanism The idea that a country’s leader should be chosen by the citizens in a general election
Constitution A set of basic principles and laws that states the powers and duties of the government
Legislature North Carolina made this governing body the strongest in the state according to the NC state constitution
Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom This document declared that no person could be forced to attend a particular church or be required to pay for a church with tax money.
Suffrage The right to vote
Articles of Confederation Set up the first national government of the United States
Land Ordinance of 1785 Set up a system for surveying and dividing western lands
Northwest Territory Territory established by Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Public Education Northwest Ordinance stated that new states must provide this to children
Tariffs Taxes on imports and exports
Great Britain Nation that closed ports and blocked trade in the West Indies for the United States
Spain Country that blocked Americans from using the bottom half of the Mississippi River
Interstate Commerce Trade between 2 or more states
Inflation An increase of prices for goods and services combined with the reduced value of money
Depression A period of low economic activity combined with a rise in unemployment
Shay's Rebellion The uprising of farmers to protest high taxes and heavy debt that made all American aware of the weakness of the Articles of Confederation and the need for a brand new federal government
Constitutional Convention Held in Philadelphia’s Independence Hall in 1787 to improve the Articles of Confederation but instead wrote the Constitution
Paterson Writer of the New Jersey Plan
New Jersey Plan Plan that wanted 1 house legislature and equal representation
Small states Type of states favored by the New Jersey Plan
Randolph Writer of the Virginia Plan
Virginia Plan Plan that wanted representation based on population and a 2 house legislature
Large states Type of states favored by the Virginia Plan
Sherman Writer of the Great Compromise
Great Compromise Plan that called for a 2 house legislature: 1 house with equal representation and 1 house with representation based on population
Three Fifths Compromise Only 3/5 of a state’s slave population will count toward representation
Popular Sovreignty Idea that political authority belongs to the people
Federalism The sharing of power between the federal and state governments
Legislative Branch Branch of government that makes and passes laws; Congress
Executive Branch Branch of government that makes sure law are being carried out; President and government departments
Judicial Branch Branch of government responsible for interpreting laws and punishing those who break laws; court system
Antifederalists People who opposed the Constitution; included George Mason, Patrick Henry, and Samuel Adams
Bill of Rights What the Antifederalists wanted added to the Constitution
Federalists People who supported the Constitution; included Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and Alexander Hamilton
Federalist Papers Used by the Federalists to gain support for the Constitution
Hamilton, Madison, and Jay Writers of the Federalist Papers
Bill of Rights First 10 amendments to the Constitution that are designed to protect the rights of the Citizens
Created by: argrant1215
Popular U.S. History sets




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