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Social Studies Ch. 3

Charter A document signed by the king that granted his subjects the right to leave and establish elsewhere
Colony Groups of citizens who leave a country to settle elsewhere
Joint Stock Company Expeditions that were privately funded, investors shared costs, profits, and losses
Jamestown The first permanent English settlement in U. S.
John Smith 1608, elected president of counsil
Pocahantas Ally of the colonizers
Cash Crop Crops that are for trading and selling for a large profit
Headright System Stated each head of the family had the right to up to 1,000 acres of land
Indentured Servant People who agreed to work the plantation for 5-7 years in exchange for a passage to America
Slave Code Strict codes established to prevent uprisings
Bacon's Rebellion An uprising in Virginia led by Nathanal Bacon that led to the burning of Jamestown
Lord Baltimore Established Maryland in 1634
Toleration Act First formal declaration of religous freedom
Worthy Poor People in debt
Plantation Large land grants
Anglican Church A church started by King Henry VIII also known as the Church of England
Puritans Protestants who wanted to reform the Church of England
Separitists English protestants who wanted to separate from the Church of England, formed their own churches, and cut all ties with the Church of England
Pilgrims People who left ehir country of birth to live in another country
William Bradford A Pilgrim leader who sailed with the group
Mayflower One of the Pilgrims ships who left England with more than 100 men, women, and children aboard
Mayflower Compact A legal contract in which the male passengers on the Mayflower agreed to have fair laws to protect the general good.
Plymouth Rock Where the Pilgrims landed in Massachusetts
Squanto A patuxet Indian who spoke some English, taught the Pilgrims how to fertilize soil, and help establish relationships with the Wampanoag Indians
Great Migration Many thousands of men, women, and children left England because of economic, political, and religuos problems
Massachusetts Bay Colony Where the Pilgrims landed and founded
John Winthrop Leader of Mass. Bay Co. who led Puritan colonists to Mass. to establish an ideal Christian community
Thomas Hooker He and his followers left Mass. to help found Connecticut
Roger Williams A minister who didn't agree with the leadership of Mass. and separated his church from New England congregations
New England Primer A book used by school children which had characters from the Blible
Harvard John Harvard and the General Court founded Harvard College and taught higher education
Breadbasket Nickname for middle colonies because of how much wheat and grain they grew
New Netherlands Founded as a Dutch colony
New Amsterdan Manhattan Island founded by Peter Minuit
Duke of York Named New York after him (James Stuart)
William Penn Early Quaker and founded Pennsulvania
Quakers Pacifists who had no where to practice religion, Pennsylvania= safe haven
City of Brotherly Love Philadelphia, capital of Pennsylvania, safe haven for Quakers, self governed
Privy Coynsil King's advisers
Governor Leader of colony
Proprietary Colony Colonists vote for governor
Royal Colony King chooses the governor
House fo Burgesses First elected Body
Town Meeting Where colonists gathered to discuss issues and influence dicisions
Zenger Case Arrested for libel against the governor but was found not guilty
Mercantilism A theory that a nation's weath is tied to its balance of trade
Import Goods go in
Export Goods go out
Navigation Acts Colonies can't trade with other countries other than England
Great Awakening Scientific Revolution in Europe, used logic and reason
Revivals Made stars of traveling preachers
Fur Trade Industry Indians recieved goods and colonists recieved furs they can't get in England
Ft. Necessity Camp George Washington had to set up to have a little protection from the English
William Pitt New British Prime Minister
7 Years War What the Europeans called the French and Indian War
Battle of Quebec Turning point in America
General James Wolfe Captured French settlement
Treaty of Paris Ends war
Pontiac's Rebellian Destroyed 8 British forts and resisted colonial migration west of Appellation Mountains
Proclamation of 1763 Banned settlements west of Appalations
Sugar Act First tax on imported goods containing sugar
Samuel Adams Founded 'Committee of Correspondence'
"No taxation without representation" Britian had no representation to tax them
Boycott To prevent dealings with
Stamp Act Required colonists to pay tax for an official seal "stamp" when purchasing paper items
Sons of Liberty Organization to pretest the collection of taxes through boycott and violence
Townshend Acts Tax on glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea
Writs of Assistance Gave tax collectors greater ability to trade and enforce
Boston Massacre Argument between the colonists and British soldiers (resulted in a few deaths)
Crispus Attucks First martyr of the Revolution
Boston Tea Party Colonists dumped barrels of tea into the water
Tea Act Made tea cheaper, high demand, still earned profut
Intolerable Acts Acts unified colonies kn protest of the throne
Quartering Act Required colonies to provide the needs of British soldiers
Created by: archergirl
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