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Unit 7 Vocab US-1

Soviet Union Name of Russia during the time it is communist
Communism economic and political system where all businesses and land are owned by the government for the good of the people, no private property
Totalitarianism government controls every aspect of life, socially and politically, through the use of propaganda and secret police, eliminating freedom of speech
Joseph Stalin leader of the Soviet Union during WWII
Adolf Hitler ruler of Nazi Germany during WWII
Benito Mussolini ruler of Italy during WWII
Franklin D. Roosevelt president of the USA during WWII
Harry Truman president of the USA at the end of WWII and responsible for dropping the atomic bomb
Winston Churchill prime minister of Great Britain during WWII
Hideki Tojo military general and leader of Japan during WWII
Hirohito emperor of Japan during WWII, little power
Axis Powers Germany, Italy, Japan
Allied Powers USA, Great Britain, France, USSR
Nazi-Soviet Pact non-aggression pact between Germany and Soviet Union agreeing not to attack each other as Germany expands into Eastern Europe, will be broken when Hitler invades the Soviet Union
Appeasement giving into an aggressive power to avoid war, policy Europe takes with Germany at first
Munich Pact Hitler promises not to invade all of Czechoslovakia but quickly breaks this, leaving Great Britain and France to admit appeasement has not worked
Invasion of Poland Causes Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany in 1939, beginning WWII
Blitzkrieg German military strategy using quick surprise attacks by plane, overwhelming the enemy
Battle of Britain German blitz attack on Britain that is unsuccessful causing Hitler to decide to invade the Soviet Union instead
Invasion of Manchuria Japan invades Manchuria, China in 1931 to begin creating a sphere of domination in the Pacific
Neutrality Acts Says US will not sell arms or loan money to countries at war, result of fears after WWI
Destroyers for Bases Deal USA agrees to build and give army destroyers to Britain in exchange for Caribbean military bases
Lend-Lease Act lend war materials to any country whose defense the president thinks is vital to US safety
Atlantic Charter Churchill and FDR secretly meet and agree to lend arms to those fighting for freedom
Embargo refusal to trade with another country, in this case the US refusing to trade with Japan
Bombing of Pearl Harbor Japan, upset over its embargo, surprise attacks USA at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, leading US into WWII on December 7, 1941
Rationing Government regulating the amount of food and other resources people can have to ensure there are plenty for the war effort
War Bonds loaning money to the Federal Government who will then pay you back with interest, ensuring the government has the money to fund the war
Internment Camps used by the United States to relocate Japanese Americans after fear they would be loyal to Japan not the US after Pearl Harbor
Invasion of Northern Africa first place the USA and Great Britain begin a ground attack, upsetting the Soviet Union who needed another European front to alleviate pressure on their country fighting Germany
D-Day Allied forces successfully invade France at the beaches of Normandy, June 6, 1944, finally opening up another European front against Germany
Battle of the Bulge Germany’s last offensive move before being pushed into surrendering in April 1945
Island Hopping USA military tactic in the Pacific where the USA went from island to island retaking Japanese controlled lands in order to get close enough to stage and invasion of Japan
Battle of Midway Turing point in the war against Japan in 1942, forcing Japan from that point to be on the defensive
Kamikaze Japanese pilots who would do suicide missions rather than surrender, showing the United States that an invasion of Japan would result in many US casualties
Yalta Conference decision made by Stalin to help the allies in the war in the Pacific and created The United Nations
United Nations international peace keeping organization replacing the League of Nations with 5 permanent members who have veto power
Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japanese cities hit by the atomic bomb in 1945, forcing the surrender of Japan and the end of WWII
Nuremberg Trials Axis powers were tried for crimes against humanity showing that the military can be held responsible for their actions whether or not they were “ordered”
Israel country created after WWII as a homeland for the Jewish people due to the atrocities they faced during the Holocaust
Created by: ahowe
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