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Causes of A.R.

What lead up to the American Revolution

What did the stamp act put a tax on? Paper Materials.
what is boycotting? A group of people who decide to stop buying or purchasing items.
Who started the boycott? Sons of Liberty
What did the sons of liberty boycott? They boycotted buying paper products.
What year was the Stamp Act passed? 1765
What year was the Townshend Acts passed? 1767
The Townshend Act imposed duties on what items? glass, lead, paper, paint and tea
Why did Britain place taxes on these items? They did this because these items were the most bought and used items.
How did the colonists acquire these items? They smuggled these items.
How did parliament handle the colonists reaction? They repealed all taxes except on tea.
What year did Parliament repeal the Townshend Act? 1770
What happened to cause Parliament to reconsider the Townshend Act? The Boston Massacre
How did the Boston Massacre begin? An argument between a wig makers apprentice and a British soldier.
How did the colonists react? They started throwing snowballs and anything else they could find at the British.
What did the British do in return of the snowball throwing? They fired the first shot at the colonists.
Who took the heat? 3 soldiers were found guilty
What company did the tea act give a monopoly to? The East India Company
What did the tea act do in the beginning? It lowered the tax on tea.
What was the tea act the start of? Boston Tea Party
What group of people did this event? The Sons of LIberty and Samuel Adams
What did this group of people dress up like? Mohawk Indians
About how much tea was dumped overboard? About 342 chests
Why did they dump all the tea overboard? They did this because Hutchinson had refused so many times to take the tea back to England without saying the duties so they decided to take care of it themselves by dumping it all overboard.
What was Britain's reaction the Boston Tea Party? The Coercive Acts
There was five punishments in this, what was the first one? Boston Harbor was closed until all the tea lost was payed for
What is the second punishment? the Massachusetts legislature is closed and their charter is cancelled
What was the third punishment? All British officials charged with a crime would be tried in England not the colonies.
What was the fourth punishment? The colonists had to house and feed the British sold
What was the fifth and final punishment of the Boston Tea Party? Governor Hutchinson was replaced by General Thomas Gage so they now had military control of Massachusetts
Created by: 19MillerC
Popular History sets




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