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WVSOM -- Histology

Immune Systems

Lymph 10% of the tissue that is left behind. usually 1-2 quarts
Immune System Maintain the fluid environment of the body by producing filtering, and conveying lymph
Thymus supports the proliferation and programming of the T lymphocyte percursors
T lymphocytes Cell mediated responses Assist B cells in developing humeral responses to thymus-Dependant antigens
B Lymphocytes antibody-secreting plasma cells
Thymus 2 parts cortex medulla
Cortex of Thymus peripheral region that contains densely packed T lymphocytes suspended in a network of epithelial reticular cells. Training T cells to not go after "self" BASOPHILLIC Site of lymphoblast proliferation to produce smaller, more mature T cells
Medulla of Thymus Region contains more epithelial reticular cells and fewer T lymphocytes than the cortex. MACROPHATES AND LARGE LYMPHOCYTES Eosinophillic T cells are mature and enter the circulation through post capillary venules or efferent lymphatic vessels
Cortical Epithelial reticular cells Program which T cells will die and which ones will live and progress to the thymus medulla
Medulla contains more ____________ epithelial cells and fewer _______________ than the cortex epithelial reticular cells; T lymphocytes
Blood-thymus barrier blood supply of the thymus enters through the capsule and connective tissue septa
Hassall Corpuscles formed from type VI epithelial reticular cells and found in Thymus.
What makes the thymus different from otehr lymph tissue Does not check any lymph from the body. Only EFFERENTS. Can only leave the thymus. No afferent lymphatics or lymph sinuses present No lymphatic nodules present
EBV only carried in saliva. B lymphocytes may also contain the virus in a state of incomplete replication When B lymphocytes become infected, they are altered permanently and undergo polyconal activation adn proliferation
Involution of the thymus at puberty, the thymus begins to degenerate, beginning in the cortex
By old age the thymus is almost all _____________. connective tissue
Lymph Node lymphoid organs found along lymphatic vessels that filter the lymph for antigens
Convex surface of the Lymph Node receives afferent lymphatic vessels
Concave surface contains areterioles and efferent lymphatic vessels
Stroma reticular fibers structure the cells hang on to
Subcapsular/cortical sinus where lymph is dropped off to check it to make sure it is ok
Cortex of Lymph Node Sinusoids Lymphoid Nodule paracortex
Sinusoids endothelium lined spaces create subcapsular sinuses
Lymphoid nodules B cells with some T cells and macrophages
Paracortex mostly T cells
T cells stain basophillic
Germinal Center B Cells that are activated to turn into plasma Cells Light staining center
Medulla of lymph node contains cords with reticular cells and plasma cells. Stain lighter than the cortex
Reed-Sternberg Cells Look like lacuna in the lymph Diagnostic cells for Hodgkins and other lymph node disease
Spleen Largest Lymphoid organ Filters blood
Spleen is surrounded by a capsule
Spleen consists of 2 different kinds of _____________ pulp
2 kinds of pulp White and red
White Pulp Sticks with arteries Named for having white blood cells
Red Pulp Disorganized Associated with Red blood cells
Splenic Artery enters at the hilum thru connective tissue
Splenic Trabeculae arteries Branches from the splenic artery. When they enter the splenic pulp they become central arterioles
PWP Peripheral White Pulp B cells
PALS T Cells
Divisions of the arteries follow the white pulp
What makes spleen different form the other lymph tissue no afferent lympatics or lymph sinues present No cortex or medulla Sophisticated vascular system Lymphoid tissue found in the while pulp
Mononucleosis and the spleen spleen enlarges becuase it is flooded with atypical lymphocytes. Get lodged in the red pulp as well as teh capsule and trabeculae
Unencapsulated lymphoid nodules unorganized Named for area it is at Groups of T cells just hanging out Found in loose connective tissue
GALT Gastrointestinal Associated Lymphatic Tissue
2 zones of unenecapsulated lympohoid nodules Marginal and germinal center
Marginal Zone Has memory cells
Germinal Center Has B cells
BALT broncial-associated lymphatic tissue
peyer's patches globs of purple found in ileum setting a stage for immune response if needed
Adenoids Pharyngeal Posterior wall of nasopharynx covered with ciliated pseudostratified colummnar epithelium
Created by: tjamrose
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