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Unit 6


Sacajawea Indian guide of Louis and Clark
Tallmadge Amendment added to the bill which outlined Missouri's admission to the Union; it prohibited the further introduction of slaves into Missouri
Missouri Compromise added Missouri as slaves state, Maine as free state, and prohibited slaves above 36th parallel
Monroe Doctrine Stated that Europeans were no longer allowed to interfere in affairs of or colonize Americas; enforced primarily by British navy
"corrupt bargain" deal between Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams that gave Adams the presidency (over Jackson) and Clay Secretary of State position
"Jacksonian democracy" term used to refer to fact that common man became more involved in politics during late 1820s and early 1830s
universal male suffrage when every male over a certain age can vote, regardless of property ownership or religious affiliation
spoils system system whereby loyal party members are rewarded with jobs for service to party (sometimes promoted corruption)
Indian Removal Act of 1830 Forced the resettlement of Native Americans to west of Mississippi
Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831) Supreme Court case which ruled Cherokees were a foreign nation with no right to sue in federal court
Worcester v. Georgia (1832) Supreme Court case that overturned Cherokee v Georgia; it said Georgia’s laws had no force in Cherokee territory; BUT JACKSON WOULD NOT ENFORCE THIS DECISION; CHEROKEE FORCED TO OKLAHOMA ON “TRAIL OF TEARS”
"Trail of Tears" forced march of the 5 "civilized tribes" into Indian territory (later Oklahoma) during 1830s
nullification theory proposed by John C. Calhoun, it said each state could declare FEDERAL law unconstitutional if it wanted to
Tariff of 1828 (Tariff of Abominations) passed to protect northern industry from European competition, it resulted in higher prices for southerners and tariffs on southern cotton in Europe; it sparked the Nullification Crisis
Proclamation to the People of South Carolina issued by Jackson in response to SC's attempt at nullification; it said nullification was treasonous
Force Bill gave Jackson the power to invade SC during nullification crisis
Second Bank of the United States created in 1816 with a 20 year charter; destroyed by Andrew Jackson
Nicholas Biddle head of the Second Bank of the United States during presidency of Andrew Jackson
Second Party system party system that was comprised of Democrats and Whigs (1824-1848)
Democrats states' rights party that was offshoot of Democratic-Republicans; wanted limited federal government power
Whigs offshoot of Federalist party, it wanted a stronger federal government and the promotion of Henry Clay's American system
American System Comprehensive program for advancing the nation’s economic growth proposed by Henry Clay in 1810s
three elements of American system 1) tariffs 2) national bank 3) internal improvements (infrastructure)
Erie Canal canal in New York state running from Albany to Buffalo
"Clinton's Ditch" nickname for Erie Canal; came from name of New York governor who wanted Erie Canal built
cotton gin invention by Eli Whitney that helped transform economy of South
tariffs taxes on imported goods whose purpose is to raise the price of foreign products, thus protecting domestic industry
Lowell system regimented factory system that utilized female labor, dormitory-style housing, and strict daily schedules for female textiles workers
Second Great Awakening religious revival of early 1800s that influenced reform movements of mid 1800s
Mormons religious group of Second Great Awakening started by Joseph Smith
transcendentalism literary and philosophical movement that emphasized emotionalism, nature, anti-materialism, and civil disobedience
Horace Mann led the movement for public schools in the United States
temperance movement movement that saw alcohol as main cause of social problems; sought to outlaw alcohol
William Lloyd Garrison America's foremost abolitionist during the 1st half of the 19th century
abolitionist movement movement that sought to outlaw slavery
Nat Turner leader of 1831 slave revolt in Virginia; most violent slave revolt in history of USA
American Antislavery Society abolitionist group that sought immediate abolition of slavery with no compensation to slaveowners
American Colonization Society abolitionist group that sought to return slaves to Africa (Liberia)
cult of domesticity 19th century idea that said man led in economic/political affairs; women ran household/provided moral foundation
Seneca Falls 1st women's rights convention (1848)
market revolution term to describe economic changes in US between 1800 and 1850; change centered on the growing size of the market that goods could be sold to
Created by: debbiecasillo
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