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Social Studies

First Quarter Review

Define Plain -a large area of flat land
Define Plateau -a raised area of flat land
Define Peninsula -land that is surrounded on 3 sides (ex: Florida)
Define Primary Source -first hand accounts
Give some examples of Primary Sources. -journal entry, artifact, original account, photographs
Define Secondary Sources -second-hand accounts
Give some examples of Secondary Sources. -textbook, teacher, encyclopedia
Define the term social -the interaction between people (their culture, religion/beliefs, sports, music, architecture
Define the term political -anything referring to government (laws, leaders, war)
Define the term economic -ways of making money/how a culture survives (trade, industries, factories)
How does geography affect the development of communities? -communities adapt differently to different environments -the natural resources in each area are different and can affect the economy and the overall culture of a group
Define archaeology -the study of prehistoric people
Define archeologists - someone who studies anything to do with prehistoric people
Define artifacts -items left behind from civilizations that can be studied and give us information about the past
Define carbon 14 dating (carbon dating) -finds out the age of artifacts based on the decay of Carbon 14
Define culture -the way of life of a group of people
Define civilization -a highly developed culture, usually with an organized religion and laws
Define extended families -large families where everyone from your immediate family plus Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and cousins live together in the same house
Explain the Land Bridge Theory -it is the theory that the first people to the Americas crossed a land bridge from Asia
Where were the Iroquois located? -they were located in Upstate New York
How did the Iroquois use their geography/environment? -they farmed and hunted -woodlands (longhouses) -3 sisters (corn, beans and squash)
Where was the Great Plains Native American tribe located? -they were located in Central US (the middle of the US)
How did the Great Plains Native American tribe use their geography/environment? -Buffalo were used for everything (teepees, clothing, fuel, etc.)
Where were the Inuit located? -they were located in North Arctic
How did the Inuit tribe use their geography/environment? -they ate seal and used whale blubber -they built igloos and cities
What were the causes of exploration? -they wanted to find a shorter trade route to Asia -they wanted to find God, Gold, and Glory
What were the results of the exploration? -they expanded trade and they gave diseases to the Native Americans
What were the reasons for the Native American populations to decrease? -disease, war, and slavery
What was the Middle Passage? -it was the voyage of Africans to the Americas to be slaves
Where was the colony of New Spain located? -it was located from Florida (south) to Central America
How did the people of New Spain make a living? -gold, silver, sugar
Where was the colony of New Netherlands located? -it was located in New York (along the Hudson River)
How did the people of New Netherlands make a living? -trapping (fur)
Where was the colony of New France located? -it was located Canada to New Orleans (along the Mississippi River)
How did the people of New France make a living? -fur trade
Where were the 13 colonies located? -The East Coast, along the Atlantic Ocean
Who controlled or owned the 13 colonies? -Great Britain/England
What was the first English colony? -Roanoke
What was the second English colony? -Jamestown
Why did Jamestown become a successful colony? -tobacco saved the colony because it started their economy
Why did the Pilgrims immigrate to the colonies? -they immigrated for religious freedom
What was the name of the document for the government of the Pilgrims? -the Mayflower Compact
Explain the Mayflower Compact. -rules by which the Plymouth Colony would be run
Explain the importance of the House of Burgesses -it was the 1st representative body in the English colonies -It made laws
Explain the importance of the Mayflower Compact. -it was the rules for the Plymouth colony
Explain the importance of the Peter Zenger case. -it established the Freedom of Press in the colonies
Name the colonies of the New England Region. 1)New Hampshire 2)Massachusetts 3)Connecticut 4)Rhode Island
Explain the economy of the New England Colonies. -lumber, shipbuilding, whaling, fishing, rum
Name the colonies of the Middle Colony region. 1)New York 2)Pennsylvania 3)New Jersey 4)Delaware
Explain the economy of the Middle Colonies. -it is the "breadbasket", grain, cattle, fish, iron
Name the colonies that make up the Southern Colonies region. 1)Maryland 2)Virginia 3)North Carolina 4)South Carolina 5)Georgia
Explain the economy of the Southern colonies. rice, indigo, tobacco, plantations
Define stocks/pillary. colonial punishments
Who had voting rights? only white men, who were 21 and owned property
Who was educated? Only boys
What was the reason for them coming to the New World? Roanoke Money
What was the reason for them coming to the New World? Jamestown money and tobacco
What was the reason for them coming to the New World? Plymouth (pilgrims) religious freedom
What was the reason for them coming to the New World? Massachusetts (puritans) religious freedom
What was the reason for them coming to the New World? Rhode Island Religious freedom (Roger Williams)
What was the reason for them coming to the New World? New York Money
What was the reason for them coming to the New World? Pennsylvania religious freedom (Quakers)
What was the reason for them coming to the New World? Maryland religious freedom (Catholics)
What was the reason for them coming to the New World? Georgia it was set up for debtors
Created by: carlsond
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