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US History Ch.6 Test

Thomas Gage British general whose army occupied Boston and attacked Concord.
Patrick Henry Virginia Patriot whose speeches supported the war.
Lexington & Concord First engagement for the War for Independence.
Why did the colonists oppose the Tea Act of 1773 even though it provided tea at a lower cost? They denied Parliament's write to establish a monopoly on their trade.
The Boston Port Act Closed Boston Harbor until the value of the destroyed tea was reimbursed.
The Massachusetts Government Act Annulled the Massachusetts colonial charter.
The Act for Impartial Administration of Justice Provided that British officials accused of Committing crimes were to be tried in another colony or in Britain instead of Massachusetts.
The Quartering Act Made private homes available for the quartering of British soldiers.
What sparked the Coercive Acts? The Boston Tea Party.
What did the colonists call these acts? Intolerable Acts.
Why did the British army send a force to Concord? To seize Patriot munitions stored there.
Explain why the American War for Independence was not a revolution in the sense that the other wars were. In other revolutions, a narrow and often ruthless minority rose up to overthrow the government but they often established a government that was even worse than what it replaced. In the American War, citizens followed elected officials and defended.
What was the crucial issue behind the War for Independence? Practical self government.
What was the main purpose for the Committee of Correspondence? To provide news on British threats to liberty.
What was the major accomplishment of the First Continental Congress? To assert the rights of the colonies to govern themselves.
What provision of the Quebec Act enraged the colonists and why? The Quebec Act made Roman Catholicism the official religion of Quebec. The prospect of Catholicism rising in the west under the sanction of Parliament enraged many American Protestants who had fled Catholic oppression in Europe.
Thomas Paine Englishman who wrote Common Sense to arouse support for Independence.
John Burgoyne British general who surrendered his army near Saratoga.
William Howe British general who took New York and Philadelphia but missed his main objective.
Thomas Jefferson The primary author of the Declaration of Independence.
John Adams American negotiator for the Treaty of Paris and a member of the committee that drafted the Declaration of Independence.
Charles Cornwallis British general who surrendered his army at Yorktown.
Ethan Allen Commander of the Green Mountain Boys who captured Fort Ticonderoga.
George Rogers Clarke American leader in the Northwest who captured Vincennes.
Horatio Gates Overrated American commander who won at Saratoga but lost at Camden.
Boston Marquis de Lafayette French aristocrat who helped to corner the British at Yorktown.
Nathanael Greene Resourceful American commander in the South known as the "Fighting Quaker" who kept the pressure on the British.
Henry Knox American ordinance chief who surprised the British by transporting heavy artillery to Bunker Hill.
Francis Marion Patriot guerrilla called the "Swamp Fox".
Daniel Morgan American leader who was vital in winning the battles of Saratoga and Cowpens.
Baron von Steuben German drillmaster for the Continental Army.
George Washington Commander in Chief of the Continental Army.
Brandywine An unsuccessful attempt to stop the British fron taking Philadelphia.
Bunker Hill A costly British victory outside Boston.
Fort Ticonderoga An early American success that supplied artillery for the forces around Boston.
Monmouth a draw that provided the new proffessionalism of the Continental Army.
Saratoga campaign The capture of a British army, which encouraged France to join the war.
Trenton A successful winter raid that lifted the morale of the young Continental army.
Valley Forge The Continental army's winter headquarters during the dark winter of 1777-78.
How did most Englishmen feel about the war against American colonies? They were divided about waging war against their colonial cousins.
What term describes the colonial supporters of the British during the War for Independence. Tories or Loyalists.
What was the major reason that the colonists lost the battle of Bunker Hill? The American soldiers ran out of ammunition.
Explain why George Washington was a good choice for Commander in Chief. His greatest strength was his commanding presence, coolness under fire, and keen ability to lead and inspire.
What was the purpose of the Olive Branch Petition? Petition pledging loyalty to the King and requesting his intervention and curbing Parliament's abusive exercise of power.
What did Common Sense advocate? Independence from Britain.
How many men signed the Declaration of Independence? What did they pledge? 56. "We mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."
Why did George Washington attempt to defend New York? Giving up a city without a fight would damage support for the war.
What was a Hessian? A German mercenary.
Briefly describe the condition of the Americans before the battle of Trenton. Washington's forces were on the Pennsylvania side of the Delaware River. On Christmas night of 1776, Washington led his troops across the river in the teeth of a howling storm. Snow and freezing rain pelted as they marched to Trenton through midnight.
Why was Princeton such an important victory for Washington? It raised the low morale of the army.
What act of treason did Benedict Arnold commit? He was paid to hand over West Point to the British.
What is John Paul Jones famous quote? "I have not yet begun to fight!"
How did the "Swamp Fox" help the war effort? He launched guerrilla raids.
Why was it so important for Nathanael Greene to reach the Dan River before before the British? If the Americans reached the river first, they would cut off British pursuit and avoid a disastrous battle.
What admiral helped trap Cornwallis at Yorktown? What was his nationality? Admiral de Grasse, French.
When was the Treaty of Paris signed as compared to the end of the war? 2 years after the Yorktown surrender.
Who were the American negotiators for the treaty? Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, John Adams.
Created by: Raxiqwerty
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