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What year was Jamestown founded? 1607
Why would the "New World" be useful to the people of England? (3 reasons) the New World could become very useful to them for its natural resources, also as a market to sell their manufactured goods and a location to send their poor.
Where was Jamestown located? In a swampy area in Virginia along the James River.
What percent chance of living did the colonists have? fifty - fifty chance of surviving the first five years.
What did they hope to find in this area? Precious metals
Why didn't they have any food? The people in Jamestown were to lazy to work for it.
Why did Powhatan cut of the settlers' food supply? He saw that they were not even trying to grow their own and they also were not doing any good living in the area
What two failed attempts of settlements did they have? Newfoundland and Roanoke
Raw Material something in its natural state
Manufactured good something that humans make from raw materials
Who financed Jamestown? The Virginia Company
Who lived along side Jamestown? The Algonquians ; Powhatan
What were they focused on finding? precious metals
Captain John Smith did what? required all colonists to work: gun powder accident
Location, Problem : they did not go far enough upstream to get away from the salt water; disease bearing mosquitoes
Starving time trapped in James fort due to bad relations with Algonquian, low food supply, resort to cannibalism
Pocahontas married John Rolfe why? to help form an alliance between the settlers and the Algonquian
John Rolfe introduced the first what into America? crash crop ; tabacco
Created by: 19DonleyBaillie
Popular U.S. History sets




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