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History Academic Ter
for Humanitities
Term | Definition |
acquire | to get |
agreement | a decision reached by two or more people or groups |
aspects | parts |
authority | power, right to rule |
cause | the reason why something happens |
classical | referring to the cultures of Ancient Greece and Rome |
contract | a binding legal agreement |
development | creation |
distribute | to divide among groups of people |
effect | the results of an action or decision |
establish | to set up or create |
ideal | ideas or goals that people try to live up to |
impact | effect, result |
method | a way of doing something |
neutral | unbiased, not favoring either side in conflict |
primary | main, most important |
principle | basic belief, rule or law |
process | series steps taken to accomplish a task |
purpose | the reason something is done |
rebel | to fight against authority |
strategy | a plan for fighting a battle or war |
vary | to be different |
affect | to change or influence |
development | the process of growing or improving |
efficient/efficiency | productive and not wasteful |
element | part |
features | characteristics |
influence | change or have an effect on |
innovation | a new way of doing something |
logical | reasoned, well thought out |
policy | rule, course of action |
role | assigned behavior |
traditional values | customary, time-honored ideas that people hold dear and try to live by |
various | of many types |
abstract | expressing a quality or idea without reference |
advocate | to plead in favor of |
circumstances | surrounding situation |
complex | difficult, not simple |
concrete | specific, real |
consequences | the effects of a particular event or evernts |
contemporary | existing at the same time |
criteria | rules for defining |
distinct | separate |
element | part |
execute | to perform, carry out |
explicit | fully revealed without vagueness |
facilitate | to bring about |
factor | cause |
function | use or purpose |
implement | to put in place |
implications | effects of a decision |
implicit | understood not clearly put into words |
incentive | something that leads people to follow a certain course of action |
motive | a reason for doing something |