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A Just Right Govt

Review of the Articles of Confederation & Constitutional Convention (TRAD)

Who presided over the Constitutional Convention? George Washington
What is a confederation? group of individuals united together for a purpose
Where was the Constitutional Convention held in 1787? Philadelphia
Which early rebellion made it clear that the national government needed to be stronger so it could help states in a crisis? Shays' Rebellion
When farmer's refused to pay taxes and attacked the tax collectors, President George Washington sent 15,000 troops to stop the rebellion. What was the name of this rebellion? Whiskey Rebellion
In 1799, some German-speaking citizens in Pennsylvania were not aware of the new property tax, so they rebelled against the tax assessors. What was the name of this rebellion? Fries's Rebellion
What "Founding Father" refused to sign the Constitution? George Mason
Who led an armed uprising of about 1,200 Massachusetts farmers on a federal arsenal? Daniel Shays
What is the term for a detailed, written plan of government? constitution
What was the first organized government plan of the United States of America? Articles of Confederation
What called for Congress to have a Senate and a House of Representatives? Great Compromise
He was a famous diplomat, writer, inventor, and scientist who attended the Constitutional Convention. Who is he? Benjamin Franklin
What plan for the legislature at the Constitutional Convention called for two houses with representation based on population. Virginia Plan
What plan for the legislature at the Constitutional Convention called for one house with equal representation from each state? New Jersey Plan
When was the Constitution ratified? September 17, 1787
What is the name of the model of representation where there were two houses set up with one based on equal representation and another based on population? bicameral
What group feared a strong national government would threaten people's freedom and take away power from the states? Anti-federalists
Which compromise from the Constitutional Convention combined the New Jersey plan with the Virginia plan to create two houses in Congress: one based on equal representation and the other based on representation by population? The Great Compromise (Connecticut Compromise)
Which compromise would count three out of every five slaves in the population of a state for determining representation in the House and for direct taxes? The Three-fifths Compromise
Which compromise gave Congress the power to regulate interstate and foreign commerce (trade) as well as levy tariffs (taxes) on imports but not tax exports? The Commerce Compromise
According to the Commerce Compromise, Congress could not restrict the importation of slaves until what year? 1808
According to the Commerce Compromise, what would happen to runaway slaves? had to returned to their owner
Under the Constitution, the number of votes each state gets in the House of Representatives is based on its __________________. population
What was the last state to ratify the Constitution? Rhode Island
What was carved on the back of the chair that George Washington sat in during the Constitutional Convention? sun
Created by: hroussel
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