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Science 8

Final Exam Review

What do we call the process that all scientists use to propose and test ideas? the scientific method
In an experiment, what do we call the question that we want answered? statement of the problem
In an experiment, what do we call our "educated guess"? hypothesis
What procedure do we use to test our ideas? experiment
In an experiment, what you see, hear, touch, taste, or smell are called your... observations
The metric unit for length is... meter
Length is measured in the unit of... meters
A triple beam balance measures... mass
Mass is measured in the unit of ... grams
The amount of space that something takes up is the objects... volume
The graduated cylinder measures... volume
Volume is measured in... liters
The amount of matter in something, determined by the mass/volume, is the object's... density
Density is measured in what units? g/cm cubed
What is the density of water? 1 g/cm cubed
Objects more dense than water______. sink
Objects less dense than water______. float
What state of matter has a definite shape and a definite volume? solid
What state of matter has a definite volume but no definite shape? liquid
What state of matter has no definite shape and no definite volume? gas
Which state of matter is least dense? gas
Which state of matter is most dense? solid
Warmer temperatures are caused by ___________ moving particles. faster
Colder temperatures are caused by ___________ moving particles. slower
When heat is absorbed by a solid ________ occurs. melting
When heat is absorbed by a liquid _________ occurs. evaporation
When heat is removed from a gas __________ occurs. condensation
When heat is removed from a liquid _________ occurs. freezing
_________ is heat transfer by objects touching. conduction
_________ is heat transfer by energy moving in waves. radiation
Substances that are ____ and ____ absorb heat energy the most. dark and rough
_________ is heat transfer by warm air molecules rising, losing their energy, and falling down as cold molecules; only to be re-heated and repeat the process. convection
What type of graph shows continuous change? line graph
What type of graph shows data being counted? bar graph
What type of graph shows parts of a whole? pie chart
What is the smallest building block of matter? atom
What are the positive parts of an atom called? proton
What are the negative parts of an atom called? electron
What are the neutral parts of an atom called? neutron
What do we call the number on the top of an element, that all elements are organized by? atomic number
What number is a combination of the # of protons and neutrons in an atom? atomic mass
To get the atomic mass, we add the ... protons and neutrons
The periodic table was designed by? Dmitri Mendeleev
Dry ice is an example of what physical change? sublimation
Is ice melting a physical or chemical change? physical
Is wood burning a physical or chemical change? chemical
Is cutting a piece of paper in half a physical or chemical change? physical
Is a bike rusting a physical or chemical change? chemical
Is spraying your hair purple a physical or chemical change? physical
________ gives us the ability to do work? energy
________ energy is energy in motion. kinetic
________ energy is stored energy. potential
________ energy captures the energy of falling water to be converted into another form. hydroelectric
________ energy captures the energy from the sun to be converted into another form. solar
________ energy captures the energy from within the Earth to be converted into another form. geothermal
What do we call any rhythmic disturbance? wave
What do we call the top of a wave? crest
What do we call the bottom of a wave? trough
What do we call the height of a wave? amplitude
What do we call the distance from one wave to another? wavelenght
As the frequency of a wave increases the __________ of a wave increases. pitch
As the amplitude of a wave increases the amount of energy in a wave ___________. increases (loudness)
What do we call it when a wave bounces off a surface? reflection
What do we call it when a wave is bent? refraction
What kind of wave is a sound wave? compression
What kind of wave is a light wave? transverse
What type of wave needs a medium (molecules) to travel through? sound
What type of wave can move through a vacuum? light
Who made the three laws of motion? Sir Issac Newton
What is Newton's first law? The law of inertia. (An object in motion will stay in motion or an object at rest will stay at rest, unless acted on by an unbalanced force.)
What is Newton's second law? F = M X A
What is Newton's third law? for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
_________ is any push or pull. force
_________ is the force that opposes motion. friction
What do we call any object that is thrown? projectile
Speed is the distance an object travels in a certain amount of ________. time
Speed is measured in what unit? meters per second
When an object is moving, what do we call the change in speed/direction? velocity
What is the acceleration of a falling object on Earth? 9.8 meters per second squared
To determine the force of an object you multiply the ______ by the ________. mass by the acceleration
What is the least useful property when identifying a mineral? color
______ rocks are made from cooled magma or lava. igneous
_________ rocks are made from compaction and cementation of particles. sedimentary
______ rocks are made from heat and pressure. metamorphic
_________ came up with the theory of Comtinental Drift. Alfred Wegner
________ boundaries are where plates come together. convergent
What geologic feature can be formed at a convergent boundary? mountains
________ boundaries are where plates move apart. divergent
What type of boundary causes sea floor spreading? divergent
As the sea floor spreads the rock nearest to the divergent boundary is the _________. youngest
What occurs when an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate? subduction
What type of igneous rock is our continental crust mainly made of? granite
What type of igneous rock is our oceanic crust mainly made of? basalt
The San Andreas fault is an example of a ___________ boundary. transform
The Mid Atlantic Ridge is an example of a ____________ boundary. divergent
What do we call the boundary where two plates slide across each other? transform fault
Night and day are caused by the Earth's? rotation (spinning)
The seasons are caused by the Earth's? revolution (movement around the sun)
Created by: Mr.McKeehan
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