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World Geog EOY2014

test questions for study

The global diffusion of advanced internet/communications technology has resulted in what positive benefits? an increase in the accessibility of higher education and sharing of information, an increase in global communications, and an increase in trade
The arrival of new immigrant groups creates a more diverse culture when what occurs? when the traditions of local and immigrant populations combine to create new customs, as in Canada
One cause for the rapidly disappearing tropical forests is: the conversion of an important natural habitat into other commercial uses
What is the main purpose of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)? it controls the distribution of oil to limit supply and keep prices stable
What role has the Sahara Desert had in human settlement patterns? it has limited movement and exchange of cultures & ideas between North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa; it has also limited occupation to nomadic peoples who rely on Oasis
How has expanding international trade affected Asian population centers cities such as Macau and Hong Kong have experienced rapid urbanization as people move from rural to urban centers in search of work
What is the greatest pull factor of immigrants to the United States, Canada, & Western Europe the increase in economic opportunities due to expanding industrialization
What is the relationship between health care and standards of living? new technologies such as immunizations have increased life expectancy, especially in third world countries
What is the role of the Environmental Protection Agency in the US? to monitor air, water, and soil quality and limit or ban the use of certain chemicals by industrial manufacturers
What single common factor do cities in Latin America such as Port-au-Prince (Haiti), San Jose (Costa Rica), and Buenos Aires (Argentina) have in common that is reflected in their cultures today? they were all colonized by the Spanish, who brought their language and religion to these regions
What challenges to development and settlement are common to places like Siberia and Australia? In Siberia, the cold climate limits the extraction of its vast resources; in Australia, the large desert climate and lack of rainfall limits agriculture necessary to sustain a large population
In what role does religion impact Middle Eastern countries political systems countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates have constitutions based on the Islamic (Muslim) religion that are very conservative and traditional towards women's rights
How has technology impacted navigation of the seas and trade? machinery to dredge (dig up & expand) shallow rivers and bays have allowed larger vessels to operate and steam engines and oil have allowed for trans-oceanic trade.
what are negative effects of creation of the European Union in the 1990s & 2000s? it has limited trade with Asia and Africa, causing migration of large populations to Western Europe in search of jobs; this has led to discrimination and racial conflict with Europe's homogeneous native population
What are some important religious sites? The Ganges River is sacred to Hindus, Mecca is sacred city to Muslims (required to make a pilgrimage), and Jerusalem is holy to Christians, Muslims, and Jews
How are the Taiga forests affected by climate? because of their location at upper latitudes, only coniferous trees can grow because their needle-like leaves can survive freezing temperatures
What role has the diffusion of American culture had on the landscape of commercial business districts worldwide? fast-food franchisees like McDonald's and retail chains like Macy's are located worldwide, creating familiarity for tourists and a sense that cultures are converging
What forms of economic activities would be evident in economies at the Quaternary level? Information databases and major public and privately funded research institutions
What is the main difference between monarchy systems of Europe and the Middle East? European monarchs evolved into constitutional monarchs in which the head has only ceremonial powers; middle eastern monarchs rule as absolute monarchs
Explain population shifts across the United States over the past 200 years initial settlements were along the Eastern Coast; railroads allowed for movement westward; industrialization caused shift from rural to urban centers; decline in manufacturing has caused populations to decline in the Northeast and spread South and West
What were two negative examples of historical environmental diffusion? the Bubonic Plague spread from China to Europe in the middle ages along coastal shipping routes through flea-infested rats; smallpox spread from Europe to the Americas from immune European colonists
How has the National Highway System, built in post-WWII America, impacted population centers? It allowed the development of residential suburbs from which people could commute to work in cities nearby
What are some positive/negative effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement? it has increased global trade, eliminated tariffs (taxes on imports), and lowered prices of goods/services; it has caused wages to decline or remain stagnant in developed countries, and wiped out cottage industries in undeveloped countries
Why is Jerusalem such a volatile city? When Jews fought and won control of Palestine in 1947, they established a Jewish nation and forced Palestinians to settle in the West Bank and Gaza Strip where they remain today without their own nation
Why was the development of the Panama Canal so vital to America's development as a world power? It allowed for faster shipping times across the Atlantic & Pacific Oceans and it allowed the US Navy to become a dominant sea power
What role did climate and time play in the transformation of the Sahara Desert? it was once a fertile land of forests and rivers that warmer temperature and drier climates caused to evolve into a desert over a span of a thousand years
Explain how the system of government in Rome changed as the size of its territory changed: Rome was once a Republic; as it expanded in size, it became an Empire ruled by an absolute Emperor
What 2 specific types of societies have resisted modernization in favor of tradition, and where are they located? the Amish in the US and the Bedouin in North Africa/Middle East
In what ways did the Aryan and Muslim migrations change India? The Aryans brought the Caste System and Hinduism to India/Muslims brought Islam and the Arabic language
What factor played a large role in transforming Japanese society? the arrival of Chinese merchants brought new ideas and cultural traits
What changes occurred during the Arab Spring? popular protests led to the overthrow of dictatorships in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya
How might religion lead to conflict? radical believers of one religion may try to convert, remove, or exterminate societies holding differing beliefs
What is genocide? give 3 modern examples of it? genocide is the elimination of an entire ethnic group; examples include the Holocaust of Jews, Hutus killing Tutsis in Rwanda, and Serbs attacking Muslims in Bosnia
Why did European powers fight each other in the 18th & 19th centuries? to establish colonies in the Americas, Asia, and Africa
What two wars of expansion were fought by the US in the 19th century? the Spanish-American War and the Mexican-American War
Who fought wars of religion in the 16th century? Catholics and Protestants in Europe
Why did the Cold War occur? the US and the Soviet Union competed for trade and the export of conflicting political and economic systems
How did the Crusades promote cultural diffusion? Europeans were exposed to Muslim/Asian technology and products, stimulating an increase in trade and exploration of new routes to Asia
What 3 pre-Industrial technologies helped speed up communication and travel? the compass and astrolabe made navigation across oceans safer/faster; the moveable type allowed communication to expand in print form
How did technology assist in the colonization of Africa and the settlement of the American West? steam engines allowed Europeans to navigate inland Africa through rivers; the railroads allowed quicker travel of people & goods westward in America
How has the demand for energy changed the environment? mining, drilling, & usage have caused pollution, deforestation, and global warming
What is Desalinization and why is it an important new technology? the heating and cooling of sea water to separate the salt & provide a source of fresh water; it is important due to the lack of sufficient clean water supplies world wide
How has technologies impacted trade? it has expanded trade possibilities to a globalized exchange of goods & services
How have government policies negatively impacted the Brazilian population? As Brazil allows corporations to displace Rain Forest tribes, the lack of housing in urban centers for these new migrants has led to the increase in slums known as Favelas that lack sanitation & other infrastructures.
How has technology improved survival rates of natural disasters? seismographs detect impending Earthquakes and Volcanic eruptions; buoys detect Tsunamis and rouge waves; satellites track hurricanes/tornados
Death Valley California is influenced by what 2 environmental factors? rain-shadow effects of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and its elevation below sea level
Who led Poland to greater political freedom during the end of the Cold War? Lech Walesa and the worker's Solidarity Movement fought against communism for greater freedom
What 3 factors have the greatest impact on climate? Latitude, Altitude, and distance from large bodies of water (oceans, gulfs, & seas)
What causes the varying seasons around the earth? the tilt of the Earth's axis and its rotation around the Sun
Created by: wm0397
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