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Presidents 1-17

Quiz on Tuesday,April 7

George Washington 1 - bill of rights - whiskey rebellion - cotton gin invented
John Adams 2 - XYZ affair - alien and sedition acts
Thomas Jefferson 3 - Marbury vs. Madison - Louisiana purchase -wrote dec. of independence - embargo of 1807
James Madison 4 - war of 1812 -father of the constitution - American system
James Monroe 5 - industrialization - Missouri compromise - Monroe doctrine
John Quincy Adams 6 - erie canal - tariff of abominations
Andrew Jackson 7 - nullification and bank war - jacksonian democracy - indian removal act
Martin Van Buren 8 - trail of tears -panic of 1837
William H. Harrison 9 -1st president to die in office
John Tyler 10 - texas/tyler - Oregon trail - irish and german immigrants
James K. Polk 11 - texas annexation and Mexican war - gold rush - Seneca falls convention
Zachary Taylor 12 - fugitive slave act
Millard Filmore 13 - compromise of 1850 - uncle tom's cabin
Franklin Pierce 14 - bleeding Kansas - Gadsden purchase
James Buchanan 15 - dred scott - harpers ferry raid
Abraham Lincoln 16 - secession and civil war - emancipation proclamation - first president assasinated
Andrew Johnson 17 - 13th and 14th amendments - radical reconstruction - impeachment trial - sharecropping in the south
Created by: KaSlaydon
Popular U.S. History sets




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