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Arts of Ancient Gree

What was the most important center of the Greek culture? Periclean Athens
Who was Herodotus? Author of the Persian Wars which was considered to be the first real history in West Civilization. His works were unrealistic but had critical attitude.
What was Herodotus's main theme? The conflict between the Greeks and the Persians which he viewed as a struggle between freedom and "dictatorship"
What Greek word does "history" come from? "historia" which means "research" and "investigation"
Who was Thcydides? An Athenian historian, greatest in the ancient world. He fought in the Peloponnesian War. He was elected a general but one failed battle led to exile. He did not write about divine/gods but war and facts.
What was the purpose that the Greeks created drama? Entertainment and Education.
What were the dramatic plays like? Taken place outdoors of a religious festival, three male actors wearing masks, a male chorus to narrate and action was very limited to enhance the story and meaning
Who was Aeschylus? He was a writer who wrote tragedies. Only 7 out of 90 plays survived, first tragedian known to us. He had simple plots and wrote a trilogy called Oresteia about vengeance between Agamemnon (great solider in the Trojan war) and his wife Clytemnestra
Who was Sophocles? A great Athenian playwright. His most-famous play is Oedpus the King, the oracle of Apollo tells about a old man killing both his parents, punished by gods but appects his faith
True of False: The first Greek drama was tragedies True
Who was Euripides? An Athenian trader who was more realistic and had complexed plots, critical on religion. Probably the greatest play was Bacchae-the introduction of hysterical rites associated with Dionysus (god of wine)
Difference between Old and New Comedy? Old Comedy: low and vulgar humor, topical, but had eloquent poetry New Comedy: could have happened from any time, including present day with "types"
Who was Aristophanes? He wrote comedy play like the Clouds, made fun of Socrates and Lysistratia, the sex strike to make peace of the war
Of whom do we only have a full play of New Comedy? Meander
What was the Parthenon? A Greek temple built for Athena, signifies calm, clarity
Describe sculptures Purpose was ideal beauty (not realism) and they were fully colored.
Who was Polyclitus? A sculptor
What did the Greeks always strive? Arte which means excellence
What is the literal meaning of "Philosophy"? Love of wisdom
What are some of stuff people believed in before Socratics? Thales- Water, Anaximander- undetermined, unlimited substance, anaximenes-air
Who was Socrates? A critic of the Sophists who challenges smart people by giving lots of questions. He called himself Gadfly- someone who is irritating.He taught pupils with no charge
Socrates is the the main character in whose's play and what play? Plato, the Republic of Justice
Why and how did he die? He ate poison berries called hemlock. Athens saw him as danger.
Who was the guide for Socrates? A daimon- a spirit who focuses on the ethics, how we should live
Who were the Sophists? A group of people of philosophical teachers in fifth-century Athens believed that the universe was beyond reach of human mind, important for individuals to improve themselves. They taught young Greek men and charged them
What method did the Sophists use to teach? rhetoric- he art of persuasive speaking
Who was Plato? A student of Socrates is famous, wrote a lot (unlike his master)He was very into finding the truth of life and explained the ideas if Firns
What was Plato's school? The Academy
Who was Aristotle? A student of the Plato, a tutor of the Alexander the Great. He liked constitutional governments and that women are equal.
Who was the first Olympian god? Zeus (Roman Jupiter)- supreme god and father of the gods, god of sky, thunder, lightning
Who was the second Olympian god? Hera (Roman Juno)- his wife and sister, goddess of marriage, childbirth, women
Who was the third Olympian god? Athena (Roman Minerva)- goddess of wisdom, weaving, arts, reason
Who was the fourth Olympian god? Apollo (Roman Apollo)- god of the sun
Who was fifth? Aphrodite(Roman Venus)- goddess of love
Who was sixth? Poseidon (Roman Neptune)- god of sea
Who was seventh? (Roman Ceres)- goddess of fertitlity, grain and harvest
Who was eight? Hephaestus- Vulcan Fire/Forge
Who was ninth? Athena (Minerva)- goddess of wisdom
Who was tenth? Airtimes (Diana)- goddess of the hunt
Who was eleventh? Ares (Mars)- god of war
Who was the twelfth? Hermes (Mercury)- god of messages
Created by: SEEawesome:)
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