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MAT physics

Physics Topics to Study for the Miller Analogies Test (MAT)

acceleration rate at which velocity changes with time
acoustics science that deals with the study of mechanical waves
adhesion tendency for different types of particles to cling together
aerodynamics study of the motion of air when it interacts with solid objects
alloy metallic mixture of 2 differnt elements
alternating current movement of elctric charge that reverses direction
ampere unit of electric current
angstrom one 10-billionth of a meter
astronomical unit distance from earth to the sun
background radiation ionizing radiation that is always present in earth's atmosphere
binary star star system with 2 stars orbiting each other
black hole region of space where gravity prevents anything from escaping
boson fundamental particale
buoyancy upward force that opposes the weight of a submerged object
centripedal force force that makes something follow a curved path
cohesion tendency for like particles to cling together
density mass per volume
dew point temperature at which water vapor condenses into liquid water
displacement fluid moving out of the way when an object is placed in it
doppler effect change in the frequency of a wave when the observer moves (car driving by)
drag air resistance or fluid resistance
elasticity property of an object returning to its original shape after a force is applied
endothermic reaction in which the system absorbs energy from its surroundings (brings it in)
equilibrium a system in balance
exothermic reaction in which the system releases energy
farad unit of capacitance (which is the ability to store electric charge)
fission process in which the nucleus of an atom splits into smaller parts
force mass times acceleration
friction force resisting the motion of materials sliding against each other
fusion process in which multiple atomic nuclei join to create a larger nucleus
gamma ray electomagnetic radiation of high frequency
general relativity Einstein's theory of gravition
hertz unit of frequency; defined as cycles per second
inertia resistance of an object to change in its motion
joule unit of heat
lever simple machine consisting of a beam pivoting on a hinge
light electromagnetic radiation visible to the human eye
mass amount of matter in a body
matter anything that has mass and volume
momentum mass times velocity
neutrino neutral elementary particle
ohm unit of electrical resistance
pendulum suspended weight that can swing on a pivot
photon elementary partical of light
pneumatics application of pressurized gas to affect motion
pressure ratio of force to area
pulley simple machine; wheel on an axle that moves a cable along its circumference
quantum mechanics physics dealing with atomic and subatomic particles
supernova explosion of a star
temperature physical property that expresses notioins of hot/cold
torque tendency of a force to rotate and object on its axis
transducer device that converts energy from one form to another
uncertainty principle the position and momentum of a particle cannot be simultaneously known
vacuum space that is empty of matter
watt unit of power
Ampere, Andre-Marie French--classical electomagnetism
Archimedes Greek--hydrostatics
Bequerel French--radioactivity
Bohr Danish--quantum physics
Einstein German--general and special relativity
Faraday English--electromagnetism
Fermi, Enrico Ital-Amer--nuclear reactor
Galileo Ital--astronomer, father of modern physics
Heisenberg German--quantum physics
Newton Brit--3 laws of motion
Planck German--quantum theory
Tesla Serb-Amer--alternating current
Created by: Pippin14
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