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psych anus


oedipal boys wanna bang mom gender rolls castration fear
electra girls wanna bang dad penis envy
moral devolpment Kohlberg,giligan pre conventional(punished or nah), conventional(Law follow orders), post conventional(common good work inside the system). GILIGAN BELIEVES ITS BASED ON MEN AND WOMEN HAVEA MORE CARE ORIENTATION
emotional devolpment izard certain emotions at a specific age, show physical emotions age
mother love harlows no mama mo problemz for monkeys. always go to soft doll instead of wire unless they need to eat
anal retentive extremely neat or extremely messy
oral fixation eat too much
elenor Gibson. visual cliff when a wittle babay test to see if they can meaure deph
object permanence piaget when we don't see an object its still there
egocentrism when the world revolvs around you and only you CONCRETE IS LESS LIKELY TO USE BIRTH
propositional reasoning think abstract. with the What if
challenges lev vygotsky WHAT we are surrounded by
teratogens anything that hurts a sweet baby child in eutero
downs syndrome tricemy 21 cognitive chellenges
turners syndr not enough genes. girl
klinefleters extra xxy cant produce. guy
ainsworth; attachment devolp between you and significant other
ains; separation anxiety miss our parents. miss them after 10 months. object perminace to do
ainsw; stranger anxiety 7-8 months recognize strsangers
affect hungry clingey not a good attachwmbt. don't have a good sense of attachment
socially indifferent in own world
Lorenz imprinting ducks imprint first week. animals become attached to someone who cares about them. human imprinted ducks wooow
kagen and snidman inhibition 25% of kids who are shy grow out of it
Thomas,chess,birch innate personality lots of opponents inborn personality that you have from babys on
moro starter fall back shake arms and legs
babinski uncurving of babys toes
rooting touch a cheek and babys head will start sucking
palmer reflex kungfo grip nigas grippy
genotype wht you are gentically
phenotype what we see. brown eyes
infant vison some absoulute shit they cant fucking see lmao
hearing dominant like a dog lmao
surface easy meaning
deep structure different structure means the same thing
holophrastic speech 1 word
telegraphic speech 2 word
envirmonetal experiances and physical devolp of brain more enriched envirmoment the more intelligent you will be
germinal period conception- 2 weeks
zygote egg sperm
embryonic organs form
fetal organs grow
neonate 1st month of birth
cephalo- caudal head to toe
proximal distal inside out
nature rousseau genetic
nurture locke environment
emmy werner some kids a just tougher swoll bods
KUBLER ROSS death and dying denial anger bargaining depression acceptance
mono twins 1 egg one sperm
dizygotic twins 2 egges 2 spermies
case studt one specific person
longitudinbal study group of people over a period of time
continuous learning never stop always getting nin info
discontinuous learning cant walk any better.
critical learning a little bit of learning goes a long way.learn math by 4 the rest 10
eriksons devolpment stages 5-8 identity vs role confusion. intimscy relationships. generativity isolation being involved in community.integrity vs dispair
marcias theory 4 stages of identity parents pushing you forclosure,quit trying diffusion, got it achievemnt
primary sex huge cock. fat pussy. pube fro
secondary sex fat hips broad shouldaaas
menache first period aka savage blood flow
self esteem racial difference white- low, black- high as teens
adlers family positions oldest is the hardest
parenting styles authoritarian strict. authoritative demo. permissive doesn't gaf
androgynous people comfortable wih both sexes
biological limit theory struggle to learn as you age
menopause no more jucin hahahaha
Created by: dickb
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