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Receptor Biology

WVSOM: Subject 5 -- Receptor Biology

Receptor a cellular factor that recognizes and binds a specific ligand to induce a response
Ligand a molecule bound by another molecule such as a receptor
Intercellular Signaling Molecule nutrient ligand secreted by one cell to induce a response in another cell
Hormone intercellular signaling molecule that controls metabolism or physiology
Growth factor intercellular signaling molecule that controls cell cycle progression, cellular differentiation, or morphogenesis during development
Cytokine growth factor involved with hematopoiesis
Isoreceptors different receptors bound and activated by the same ligand, often inducing distinct responses in different cells
Paracrine for an intercellular signaling molecule to diffuse over a short distance, usually through interstitial spaces, to induce a response
Endocrine for an intercellular signaling molecule to diffuse through the blood
Hydrophobic Ligands Steroids (cholesterol derivatives) Fatty acid derivatives (prostoglandins, retinoic acid)
Hydrophilic Ligands Amino acid derivatives (catecholamines-tyrosine, histamine-histidine, serotonin-tryptophan) Peptides and proteins (insulin, glucagon, FSH, TGFβ, etc.) Nucleotides (cAMP) No carbohydrates - this is the only major class of biochemicals not used as recept
Transport proteins action potential initiation & propagation
Serine/threonine Kinases Tissue Differentiation Tissue Patterning Immunosuppression Cell Cycle progression
Seven Receptor Transmembrane blood glucose levels metabolism menstrual cycle inflamation glycogenolysis
Tyrosine Kinases blood glucose levels metabolism cell proliferation cell cycle progression differentiation apoptosis. glycogen synthesis
TGF-b Tissue Differentiation Tissue Patterning Immunosuppression Cell Cycle progression
Ras TYROSINE KINASES metabolism glycogen synthesis blood glucose levels cell cycle progression apoptosis. differentiation
Phosphoinositide TYROSINE KINASE cell proliferation
cAMP SEVEN TRANSMEMBRANE RECEPTOR blood glucose levels metabolism glycogenolysis menstrual cycle inflamation
synaptic ligand-gated ion channels TRANSPORT PROTEINS action propagation initiation & potential
Created by: tjamrose
Popular Genetics sets




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