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Growth, Race, Class

Outward Growth, Race, Class, and Culture (1940s - 1960s)

1954 In Brown v. Board of Education (Topeka, Kansas), Supreme court upholds school integration.
1959 Congress establishes the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR), with members from various branches of government. Serves primarily as a research agency and think tank in area of intergovernmental relations.
1959 The American Collegiate Schools of Planning (ASCP) is born when a few department heads of planning schools get together at the annual ASIP conference to confer on common problems and interests regarding the education of planners.
1957 "Education for Planning". A seminal, book-length inquiry by Harvey S. Perloff into the "appropriate intellectual, practical and philosophical basis for the education of city and regional planners".
1959 The St. Lawrence Seaway is completed. This joint US-Canada project created, in effect, a fourth North American seacoast, opening the American heartland to sea-going vessels.
1960 "Image of the City" by Kevin Lynch defines basic elements of city's "imageability" (paths, edges, nodes, etc.)
1961 "The Death and Life of Great American Cities" by Jane Jacobs. Includes a critique of planning and planners. Greenwich Village, NY.
1961 Richard Hedman and Fred Bair public "And On the Eighth Day", a hilarious book of cartoons poking fun at the planning profession by two of our own.
1961 Hawaii becomes the first state to institute statewide zoning.
1961 A Delaware River Basin Commission representing the states of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania is created to foster joint management of the river's water resources.
1962 The urban growth simulation model emerges in the Penn-Jersey Transportation Study
1963 Columbia, Maryland, a new town situated about halfway between Washington and Baltimore, feature some class integration and the neighborhood principle.
1964 Civil Rights Act outlaws discrimination based on race, creed, and national origin in public places.
1964 "The Federal Bulldozer" by Martin Anderson indicts then-current urban renewal program as counterproductive to its professed aims of increased low- and middle-income housing supply.
1964 Similar to "The Federal Bulldozer", Herbert Gans's "The Urban Villagers" (1962), was a study of the consequences for community life in a Boston West End Italian-American community, contributes to a change in urban policy.
1964 In a commencement speech at the University of Michigan, Prsident Lyndon Johnson declares war on poverty and urges congressional authorization of many remedial programs, plus the establishment of a cabinet-level Dept. of Housing and Community Development.
Created by: jlongabaugh
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