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FreEng Verbs-1st Grp

French-English Verbs in the 1st Group /Regular -ER

accoucher to give birth, deliver a baby
acheter to purchase, to buy
adorer to adore, to worship
afficher to put up, to post, to flaunt
aider to help, to aid
aimer to love
annoncer* to announce, to predict
appeler* to call, to call for
arriver to arrive, to happen
associer to associate
baigner to bathe
calculer to calculate
changer to change, to exchange
chanter to sing
charger* to load, to charge with
chercher to look for, to seek
citer to quote, to cite, to summon
cocher to check (e.g. on a form)
commencer* to start, to begin
communiquer* to communicate
compléter* to complete or complement
compter to count, to include
concerner to concern
confirmer to confirm, to uphold
coûter to cost
danser to dance
demander to ask, to ask for
dépenser to spend
détester to hate, to detest
donner to give
doucher to shower
écouter to listen to
embrasser to kiss / to embrace, with love
employer* to employ, to use
entrer to enter, to come in, to go in
envoyer* to send, to give, to throw/kick
épeler* to spell
épouser to marry, to wed
espérer to hope
étudier to study
exprimer to express
fermer to close, to shut
former to form, to organize, to shape
fumer to smoke or steam [incl emit]
gagner* to win, to earn, to obtain
goûter to taste, to snack
habiter to live in, to live at
imaginer to imagine, to suppose
indiquer* to connote, to indicate, to show
informer to inform, to enlighten
intéresser to interest, to affect
jouer to play, to act
justifier to justify
laver to wash
localiser to locate, to localize
manger* to eat
marier* to marry sb to sb, to combine
monter to go up, to climb, to mount
montrer to show
nager* to swim
observer to watch, to observe
parler to talk, to speak
partager to divide up, to share
participer to participate, to donate
passer to spend time, to drop in
payer* to pay
penser to think
placer* to place, to seat
pleurer to cry, to lament, to mourn
porter to carry, to wear
poser to put down, to place, to hang, to lay, to ask
préférer* to prefer
présenter to introduce, to present
prononcer* to pronounce
proposer to propose, to suggest
questionner to question
quitter to leave, to quit
réécouter to listen again
regarder to look at, to watch, to view
rencontrer to meet, to come across
répéter* to repeat
rester to stay, to remain, to be left
réveiller* to wake sb up, to awaken
rêver to dream, to daydream
saluer to greet, to say hello to
sembler to seem
serrer to grip tightly, to squeeze
souhaiter to hope for
supporter to bear, to ensure, to tolerate
tracer* to draw, to write
travailler to work, to work on
trouver to find
utiliser to use
visiter to visit
voler to fly, to steal
voyager* to travel
s'aider to help os, to help eo
s'aimer to be in love, to love eo
s'appeler to be called, to call eo
s'associer to partner with eo
se baigner to take a bath, to go swim
se changer to change os, to get changed
se demander to wonder
se dépenser to exert os
se donner to give one’s all
se doucher to take a shower
s'embrasser to kiss eo
se exprimer to express os
s'imaginer to imagine os, to picture os
s'informer to find out about
s'intéresser to be interested in
se justifier to justify os
se laver to wash off (part of) os
se marier to marry so, to marry w/st
se montrer to show os to be, appear as
se parler to talk to eo
se partager to be divided into/between
se présenter to introduce os
se prononcer to give a decision on
se proposer to offer to do, to suggest to do
se rencontrer to meet eo
se répéter to repeat to os, to do over
se réveiller to wake up
se supporter to tolerate each other
Created by: cberteau
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