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SS11 government

Ms Kline

Democracy Are governed by the representatives that were chosen by the people
suffrage the ability to vote
communism the direct democaracy where ever person has a say
socialism they have a say but by representatives speek for the people
capitalism individuals work for them selfs not for others
fascism one in charge of all people tons of limitation
classical liberalisn/ libertarianism only a few have say in who is chosen
social Democracy a represntatives speek the econommy is low
liberal democracy the represntative small amount of econommy
Governor General the rep of the king or queen
Head of State nation's supreme rep, but no power
Head of government is the prime minister
Parliament the reps who gov the country, makes laws
riding an area containing 100,000
members of parliament sear in the house that people from the riding get
house of commons is the members of parliament and prime minster and cabinet
senate people that sit around and talk about the bills that are passed
executive branch make and apply the decions
legislative branch make and amend laws
cabinet is MP's that won election
direct democracy voting on every thing
representative democracy acts on the voice of the voters not direct vote
constitutional monarchy ues to be ruled by a monarchy and respect that
Governor General the rep of the king or queen
Head of State nation's supreme rep, but no power
Head of government is the prime minister
Parliament the reps who gov the country, makes laws
riding an area containing 100,000
members of parliament sear in the house that people from the riding get
house of commons is the members of parliament and prime minster and cabinet
senate people that sit around and talk about the bills that are passed
executive branch make and apply the decions
legislative branch make and amend laws
cabinet is MP's that won election
direct democracy voting on every thing
representative democracy acts on the voice of the voters not direct vote
constitutional monarchy ues to be ruled by a monarchy and respect that
federaly system protect and union
Prime minster the head of canadian government
vote of non-confidence loses support of the party
caucus is a group from house of commons
deputy minister civil servants not elected
shadow cabinet the opposition to one chosen
backbenchers the member that are not in the cabinet
bills proposed laws
public servants advising ministers and draft new laws
speaker of the house running the day to day business, applies the rules to all
sergeant at arrms preforms ceremonial activities, and security
mace it open the house of comons
leader of opposition keeping the government accountable
question periods raise the concerning issues
judical system it the way we work like how we make laws, law in forcements and the punichment
Created by: Jennifer Hanson
Popular Histology sets




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