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goverment test

government test chapter 13 and 14

direct primaries prelimany nominating elections held to select candidates and or delegates to party conventions
caucus a form of district and state conventions used to nominate candidates in areas that do not hold primaries
closed primaries primaries in which the participants must be registered as members of one party and may vote for the candidates from only that one party in which they claim membership
open primaries the voters do not have to declare their party membership
crossover voting when one party has a primary with a strong leading candidate who is certain of winning the nomination
party platform formal statement of a partys position on current issues and is drafted at a party's national convention every four years.
superdelegates party leaders and officeholders, to serve as uncommitted delegates
keynote address a speach made by a leading party member overflowing with enthusiasm for the party candidates in the election while critizing the opposing party
brokered convention convention that requires legnthy balloting and an eventual settlement by bargaining and compromise
balance the ticket refers to a predidential candidate's choosing a runnign mate who can streangthen his chance of being elected due to specific ideology.
general election election used to fill elective offices; at the national level it is held on the first tuesay after the first monday in November.
exit polls polls taken by sample voters by various polling groups as voters leave their polling places
electorial collage system used to elect the president , each state has a number of electors equal to the stae representation; at least 270 electorial votes to win the presidency.
inaugural address speech given by the president after he is sworn into office
executive orders presidential directives or actions that have the effect and force of law
pardons issued by the president in order to release a convicted person from the remainder of his or her sentence.
covert operations activities unknown to the public , and to a large extent , even congress
executive agreement a nonbinding presidential agreement made with another head of state in which both sides agree to carry out a particular action
State of the Union speech to establish a legislative agenda, rally his party members, reach out to opponents, and influence public opinion
Veto the presidents power to refuse sign bill into law
pocket veto if the president leaves a bill unsigned for ten days during a congressional adjournment , that bill is automatically vetoed
line item veto allows the president to veto part of a bill without vetoing the entire bill.
tenure term of office will be four years
twenty second amendment the president was restricted to two terms
lame duck when he lost an election or cannot stand for reelection and must serve out the remainder of his term.
impeachment bring charges against the president or major federal officials, can be carried out only by a majority vote in the House of Representatives
executive orders presidential directions having the force of law
twenty-fifth amendment any Vice Presidential vacancy is to be filled through a nomination by the president and conformation by majority vote in both houses of Congress
Executive Office of the President (EOP) made up of White House offices and agencies that help develop and implement the presidents programs and policies.
White House Office President's press secretary, counsel, legal advisor, and physician.
National Security Counsel (NSC) serves as the presidents management , intelligence , and economic matters
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) serves as the presidents management , intelligence , and economic matters.
Cabinet developed to assist the president in his constitutional duties to meet the demands of America's growth
Cabinet Secretaries individuals responsible for the president for the departments that they head
Created by: Dirtbikes1234
Popular American Government sets




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