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Chapter 16
Term | Definition |
Conquistador | conquerors |
Immunity | resistance |
Alliance | agreement between two or more powers. |
Civil war | a fight between two groups of people in the same nation. |
Viceroy | representative |
Plantation | large estates run by an owner or the owner's overseer. |
Encomienda | the right to demand labor or tribute from Native Americans. |
Peon | workers force to labor for a landlord in order to pay off a debt. |
Peninsular | people born in Spain. |
Creole | American-born descendants of Spanish settlers. |
Mestizo | people of Native American and European descent. |
Mulatto | people of African and European descent. |
Privateer | pirates operated with the approval of European Governments. |
Missionary | people spreading Christianity to Native Americans. |
Revenue | income from taxes |
Compact | an agreement among people. |
Triangular trade | a three-legged trade network. |
Repeal | cancel |
Monopoly | gold mining and the slave trade. |
Inflation | the rise of prices is linked to the increase of the amount of money. |
Capitalism | economic system ran by profit. |
Entrepreneur | Someone who takes risks to make profit. |
Joint stock company | a company or association consisting of individuals organized to conduct a business for gain and having a joint stock of capital. |
Mercantilism | the theory or practice of mercantile pursuits |
Tariff | taxes on items shipped over seas. |
Tainos | grew corn, yams, and cotton, which they wove into cloth. |
Hernan Cortes | conquistador that landed on the coast of Mexico in 1519. |
Malinche | a young Indian woman who served as Hernan's translator. |
Moctezuma | the Aztec emperor. |
Francisco Pizarro | captured Atahualpa and killed his followers. |
Atahualpa | became emperor after his brother died. |
Council of the Indies | a council that passes laws for the colonies. |
Bartolome de las Casas | a bold priest that commended the evils of the encomienda system. |
New Laws of the Indies | passed in 1542, forbidding enslavement of Native Americans. |
Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz | Refused admission to the University of Mexico. |
Samuel de Champlain | explorer, geographer, and mapmaker, built the first french settlement. |
Louis XIV | a french king set out to strengthen royal power and boost revenues. |
Jamestown | The first permanent colony of the English. |
Pilgrims | English settlers |
Mayflower Compact | an agreement among the people of the Mayflower. |
French and Indian war | The war between the french and the Indians. |
Treaty of Paris | officially ended world-wide war. |
Middle Passage | The slaves were transported to the West Indies. |
Asante | emerged in the area occupied by modern Ghana. |
Usman dan Fodio | denounced corruption of the local Hausa rulers. |
Boer | held to a Calvinist belief. |
Shaka | a ruthless and brilliant leader |
Great Trek | several Boer families joined to this. |
Columbian Exchange | a vast global exchange started by Columbus. |
commercial revolution | a revolution with economic consequences for Europe. |
"putting-out" system | a merchant capitalist distributed raw wool to peasant cottages. |