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Ch.3 SS Study Guide
Question | Answer |
Where do they believe the first Native Americans came from? | Asia |
Why were the first Native Americans nomads? | They followed herds of animals for food. |
What did the Native Americans like about NJ? | rich soil, fresh water, and dense forest |
What made the Native Americans begin to settle in one area? | agriculture |
What is "culture"? | Culture is a way of living. |
The Lenape Indian group shared the same____________. | culture |
Even though they lived in ______________ regions, the ______________ shared the same culture. | different; groups |
Lenape chiefs were called _____________. | sachems |
Lenape chiefs made important _________________. | decisions |
Important decisions were made by sachems by including the villager's _________________. | opinions |
One Lenape chief who was admired was ____________ ________________. | Chief Oratam |
Lenape culture was centered around ____________. | family |
What is a clan? | A clan is a group of related people. |
The Lenape (clan) system is called _______________________. | matrilineage |
What does "matrilineage" mean? | Matrilineage means that everything is done through the mother. |
How were land and housing passed down in the clans? | Housing and land were passed down through the mother. |
What things did Lenape mothers pass down in their clans? | housing and land |
Lenape lived in what two types of houses? | Longhouse and Wigwam |
A larger rectangular house is called a ______________________. | longhouse |
What are longhouses are made of? | thin tree trunks covered with bark and grasses |
How long could a longhouse be? | 100 feet or more |
_______________ families could live in one longhouse. | Several |
Lenape would move throughout an ___________ according to what? | area; seasons |
Lenape wore clothes made from ___________. | animal skins (deer skins) |
What kinds of animal skin did Lenape make clothing from? | deer |
Clothing could be decorated with ________, ______________, and ___________. | paint, wampum, and beads |
In the winter, what did Lenape wear to stay warm? | leggings |
What did Lenape wear to make snow travel easier? | snowshoes |
Name a special type of clothing worn by the Lenape. (There are two) | a cloak; a garment |
What were cloaks decorated with? | turkey feathers |
What were garments decorated with? | porcupine quills |
Lenape used ________, _____________, and _________ to celebrate special events. | songs; prayers, and rituals |
Lenape believed in a living spirit called _____________? | Manetuwak |
What is "Manetuwak"? | The living spirit the Lenape believed in. |
How did the Lenape seek guidance from Manetuwak? | They used prayers, dreams, and visions to seek guidance from Manetuwak |
What is the Doll Dance? | It is a special ceremony for good health. |
The Doll Dance is a special ceremony for ________________. | good health |
Lenape _____________ special __________________ dolls for the Doll Dance. | carved; wooden |
Who was in charge of the farming in Lenape tribes? | women |
What crops did Lenape women grow? | squash, beans, sweet potatoes, and corn |
What does "forage" mean? | to search for |
What foods did Lenape forage? | nuts, fruits, and berries |
What two kinds of berries supplied a lot of food for the Lenape? | strawberries and cranberries |
How were berries preserved? | They were dried. |
Why did Lenape dry berries? | Dried berries could be stored and eaten in the winter. |
What interesting fact is still true about strawberries and cranberries today? | Strawberries and cranberries are still popular in NJ today. |
How did Lenape men help get food for their families? | They hunted and fished. |
What did Lenape men hunt with? | bows, arrows, and traps |
Where did Lenape men find a plentiful supply if fish? | Rivers |
What other tool did men use to catch fish? | fishing nets |
Lenape men also fished in the _____________. | Ocean |
What three types of food did the Lenape men catch in the ocean? | oysters, clams, and shellfish |
When did the Lenape's change their name? | 1610 |
What was the Lenape Indian name changed to? | Delaware Indians |
Why was the Lenape name changed in 1610? | Other settlers renamed the area after a Governor of Virginia (Lord de la Warr) |
What does "Lenape" mean? | Lenape means "the people". |
What are artifacts? | tools or objects used a long time ago |
What artifacts found in North America prove that there were early settlers? | stone tools |
What is the name of the Native Americans in NJ? | Lenni Lenape |
What language did the Lenape speak? | Algonquian |
What were the three groups of Lenape? | Unami, Munsee, Unalactigo |
What is the name of the area the Lenape lived in? | Lenape hoking (means land of the Lenape) |
What is the modern/present day name of the area where the Lenape lived? | The Delaware River Valley |