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U.S. History 1
Question | Answer |
Established Hull House and fought for women's rights. | Jane Addams |
180,000served in the Union army during the Civil War. | African-Americans |
Early trade unions. | American Federation of Labor |
In early 20th century they chose to stay at home rather than enter the business world. | American Women |
Lives of these people were greatly changed by European settlers. | American Indians |
Offered by Lincoln to all southerners who were loyal to the Constitution and would renounce slavery. | Amnesty |
His assassination triggered World War I. | Archduke Franz Ferndinand |
Founder of the American Red Cross. | Clara Barton |
US Army led Navajos here on the Long Walk of 1864. | Bosque Redondo |
Fought against the French and Indians in 1700's. | British and Colonial Militias |
This man said," From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever." | Chief Joseph |
Established policies for examining and hiring public employees. | Civil Service Commission |
A new government formed in 1861. | Confederate States of America |
This required young men to serve in the armed forces. | Conscription |
Theodore Roosevelt's term for the need to protect the environment. | Conservation |
Lavish spending of money to impress others. | Conspicuous Consumption |
Way for farmers to work together to cut costs and increase profits. | Cooperatives |
Northerners who agreed with the South on Reconstruction issues. | Copperheads |
Confederacy believed that France or Britain would assist the South because they depended on this commodity. | Cotton |
Supreme Court ruled this case that African-Americans were not citizens. | Dred Scott Case |
Made alcoholic beverages illegal. | 18th Amendment |
Ray Stannard Baker's book about lynching in Ohio. | Following the Color Line |
Attacked by Confederate forces, thus beginning the Civil War. | Fort Sumter |
Eluded capture by US Army and placement on a reservation. | Geronimo |
Illegal or dishonest way of gaining money or political power. | Graft |
Voters can introduce legislation by this means. | Initiative |
Opposed by most railroad owners. | Interstate Commerce |
Merchants carried this religion to Africa in the 700's | Islam |
This country remained neural until it joined the Allies in 1915. | Italy |
These laws were past by Southern states to create segregation. | Jim Crow Laws |