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Midterm Review


Peninsula land surrounded by water on 3 sides
Thomas Paine author of the Crisis Called for the colonists to break away from Great Britain
House of Burgesses The first representative government in the English colonies
Triangular Trade The trade route between the English colonies, Africa and England
Why do countries have colonies? To make money, gain raw materials and new markets
tyrant harsh leader one who abuses his power-like King George III
Minutemen Colonial militia trained to be ready rapidly
Beringia The name for the land bridge that joined northeastern Asia to Alaska
Roanoke The name for the failed English colony in the 1580s off the coast of North Carolina
The Puritans The group of religious settlers led by John Winthrop, wanted to purify, or reform, the Church of England
Sons of Liberty A secret group of colonial men who joined together to protest the Stamp Act and protect colonial liberties
Intolerable Acts Laws passed in 1774 to punish Boston for the Boston Tea Party
Mayas Ancient civilization located in present day southern Mexico and Guatemala, known for their advances in learning including astronomy, mathematics and hieroglyphics
Examples of Primary Sources Autobiography, Diary, Journal
Breadbasket Colonies The nickname used to describe the Middle Colonies because they were known for growing wheat, barley and rye
Exports trade goods that are sent to markets outside a country
writs of assistance The legal document that allowed British customs officers to inspect a ship for smuggled goods without giving a reason
Thomas Jefferson Writer of the Declaration of Independence
Quartering Act Law passed that allowed the British to house troops in the homes of colonists
Jamestown Established in 1607, the first permanent English settlement in North America
Quakers Protestant reformers who believe in the equality of all people, located mostly in Pennsylvania, led by William Penn
boycott To refuse to buy or use certain goods or services
Townshend Acts Laws passed in 1767 that taxed goods such as glass, paper, paint, lead and tea
Incas The Native American civilization in South America, conquered by Francisco Pizarro
imports Goods that are brought into a country
Middle Passage The brutal trip from Africa to the Americas for slaves
Olive Branch Petition The peace petition sent to King George by colonial delegates after the battles of Lexington and Concord
Winner of Battle of Lexington British
Winner of Battle of Concord Patriots
Loyalists those who wanted to remain loyal to the King
Patriots Those who wanted independence
Middle Colonies The name for the section of colonies including New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware
Section of the 13 Colonies with the most farming The South
Common Sense The pamphlet written by Thomas Paine to persuade people to support the American struggle for independence
The name for the section of colonies including Maryland, South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia and Virginia Southern Colonies
Sugar Act tax on sugar and molasses
Created by: mrdowling24
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