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Final Review: Terms

Final Review: US History Terms

Stamp Act English Act that placed taxes on legal documents in the Colonies; contributed to the American Revolution; “No taxation without representation.”
French and Indian War War between the French and English; English won and the French were kicked out of North America.
Spanish-American War Puerto Rico and the Philippines were annexed to the United States during this war.
Suffrage The right to vote.
Middle Passage Name for the forced voyage of slaves from Africa, across the Atlantic Ocean, to the New World.
Marbury vs. Madison Supreme Court case that established the power of the federal courts to declare laws unconstitutional; “judicial review.”
Transcontinental Railroad Intensified the westward movement of settlers into the states between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean.
Republicans Party created to end slavery; Lincoln was the first president under this party.
War of 1812 This war produced an American claim on the Oregon Territory; impressment of American sailors; White House burned down
Monroe Doctrine This states that the American continents should not be considered for future colonization by any European powers.
Bill of Rights Anti-Federalists did not support the Constitution because it lacked these.
Louisiana Purchase This doubled the size of the United States overnight.
The Alamo Famous battle in Texas against the Mexicans in which a small band of Americans fought to the death against the much larger Mexican Army.
Confederacy Term used to describe the South during the Civil War; Jefferson Davis was its president.
Civil Rights Act of 1964 This prohibited discrimination based on race, religion, national origin, and gender.
Brown vs. Board of Education Supreme Court decision that ended segregated schools; said schools must desegregate to be equal.
Manifest Destiny Belief that America would eventually stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans.
Abolishionists People who are against slavery.
The Cold War This war lasted from the end of World War II until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989.
Geneva Convention Attempted to ensure humane treatment of prisoners of war by establishing rules to be followed by all nations.
Trail of Tears Several tribes were relocated from the Atlantic Coast states to Oklahoma or confined to reservations; Andrew Jackson.
Spoils System A practice of using public offices to benefit members of the victorious party; Andrew Jackson.
Atomic Bomb New weapon that ended WWII in the Pacific; developed during the Manhattan Project.
The Final Solution Germany’s decision to exterminate all Jews and undesirables was called this.
Reconstruction Period after the Civil War that tried to rebuild and help African-Americans in the South.
Civil War Amendments The 13th through 15th amendments are called these.
Panama Canal President Theodore Roosevelt negotiated a treaty to build this.
The Great Depression Over 10 year period when the U.S. suffered a very poor economy; 1 in 4 Americans were unemployed.
Stock Market Crash Over- speculation on stocks using borrowed money caused this to happen.
League of Nations President Woodrow Wilson’s peace-keeping organization.
Popular U.S. History sets




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