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BFP vocab

prose any literature that is written in paragraph form.
fiction a prose selection which is invented. It can be based on a true story or completely made up.
literature writings in either prose or poetry.
short story narrative prose fiction that is shorter and has a less complicated plot/character development than the novel. It can usually be read in one sitting.
novel a prose narrative that is longer than a short story and develops the characters and plot more completely than a short story.
plot sequences of events in a story
characters an animal, person, or imagery creature in a story.
setting time and place, historical period, customs & manners of a story.
theme the moral, meaning or message or a story the universal truth
methods of characterization A. Direct The author states it directly B. Indirect The methods used to present the personality of a character in a narrative. -his/her words and actions -his/her thoughts and ideas -what others think and say -the character's appearance
point of view first person the narrator is a character in the story telling in his/her own words "I" "me" "we" "us". The reader knows what he knows.
third person limited the narrator is NOT a character in the story, but knows and shares the thoughts and ideas.
third person dramatic the narrator is NOT a character and does NOT know any character. He, she, it, they and them
third person omniscient the narrator is NOT a character but knows and shares the thoughts and ideas of more than one character
plot line a visual representation of the plot
exposition A. setting: time, place, sets the mood. B. introduces the characters C. background: sets characters in motion
conflict A. Internal A struggle within a character person vs. self B. External A struggle with an outside force A struggle between two opposing forces. A story may have many conflicts, but there is always one main conflict, the story cannot do without
person vs. 1. person vs. person 2. person vs. nature 3. person vs. society 4. person vs. technology 5. person vs. fate 6. person vs. supernatural 5. person vs. 6. person vs.
rising action build up of suspense growing tension and excitement between the main conflict and the climax of the story
climax the solution of the main conflict is the turning point of the story and is often the high point of the action
falling action the wrap up of loose ends, answers all remaining questions of the story
resolution story is brought to a close
denotation the dictionary definition based on thoughts and ideas mother:female parent
connotation ideas and feelings associated with a word mother: warmth, love
irony a contrast between what is stated and what is actually meant, or between what is expected A. verbal (sarcasm) B. situational an event turns out than expected C. Dramatic the reader or audience knows something a character does not
allusion a reference to a famous person, place, event or work of literature Ex. that boy is has strong as Hercules
stereotype a broad generalization or oversimplified view that disregards individual differences
nonfiction a prose selection that tells about something that actually happened, or presents factual information
essay a short work of non-fiction that deals with a single subject. an essay may be formal or informal
biography the story of a person's life that is written by someone else
autobiography nonfiction in which a person tells the story of his/her own life
protagonist the main character in the story, often but not always the hero
antagonist someone or something that is against the protagonist, it poses the conflict for the protagonist
character motivation the combination of character traits and circumstances that causes a character to act a certain way, answers why they chose to do what they do in any situation
static character the character does not experience a change throughout the story
dynamic character a character undergoes a fundamental meaningful change throughout the story, something helps shape the character as a person
round character the reader sees many aspects of the character's personality
flat character the reader sees only one aspect of the character's personality
science fiction imaginative writing that has a scientific bases
foreshadowing the writer's hints and clues about what is going to happen later in the story
mood the dominant emotion created in a literary passage; a feeling or atmosphere that the reader senses
inference a reasonable conclusion based on certain clues or facts presented in the story
suspense a feeling of growing tension, excitement or uncertainly about what is happening in the story
author's purpose the specific reason for writing; the goal of writing. 1. to persuade 2. to entertain 3. to explain/inform
tone the author's attitude toward his or her subject. the author's tone may be serious, playful, objective, etc
anecdote a very short story within a longer story with a simple, amusing plot used to make a point
propaganda false or misleading info to present a point of view
figurative language any language that is not intended in a literally, present in a literal sense. such as: simile, metaphor, personification or hyperbole
simile a comparison of two unlike things using the words "like", "as", or "resembles"
metaphor a comparison of unlike things without using the words "like", "as" or "resembles"
hyperbole an exaggerates statement used for effect
personification an inanimate object is given human characteristics
imagery words or details that appeal to the senses and causes a visual scene to appear in the reader's mind
idiom an expression that cannot be understood by analyzing it word for word
symbol a word that has meaning in itself but is used to represent something else as well
drama a form of literature meant to be preformed by actors before an audience. a character's dialogue and actions tell the story
dialogue the words the characters speak aloud
act a major section of a play. an act serves the same function as a chapter in a novel
scene the events that occur in one place at one in a play
comedy a dramatic work that is light and often humorous, and usually ends with a peaceful and happy resolution to the main conflict
tragedy a dramatic work that presents the downfall of a dignified character involved in historically or socially significant events
sound techniques-rhyme the repetition of accented vowel and syllable sounds End rhyme repetition of sounds is at the end of words
sound technique-rhythm the pattern or flow of sounds created by the arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry
sound techniques-alliteration a repetition of constant sounds at the beginning
sound technique-onomatopoeia the use of a word whose sound in some way imitates or suggests its meaning
assonance a repetition of vowel sounds
satire a literary technique in which ideas or custom are ridiculed for the purpose of improving society
poetry writing that is both imaginative and emotional: the words are arranged so that
narrative poem
lyric poem
Created by: 18hhomfeld0812
Popular Literature sets




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