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Chapter 3 test

a l'etranger abroad
un/une agriculteur(-trice) farmer
un/une architecte arcitect
un/une artiste artist
un auteur author
un/une avocat(e) lawyer
un/une chanteur(euse) singer
un chauffeur driver
un/une coiffeur(euse) hairdresser
un/une comptable accountant
un/une couturier(iere) fashion designer
un/une cuisinier(iere) cook
un/une decorateur(trice) interior designer
un diplome degree
faire des etudes to study, university level
faire livrer/garder to have...delivered/watched
un/une etudiante student
un/une fermier(iere) farmer
un/une informatien(ne) programmer
un ingenieur engineer
un/une interprete interpreter
un/une journaliste journalist
un/une juge judge
un/une libraire book seller
un/une marchande salesman
un/une mecanicien(ne) mechanic
un metier/une profession job/profession
un/une moniteur(trice) instructor
un medecin doctor
un/une musicien(ne) musician
un/une patissier(iere) baker
un plombier plumber
reparer to fix
un/une serveur(euse) waiter/waitress
soigner to care for
un/une teinturier(iere) dry cleaner
un/une traducteur(trice) translator
un/une tuteur(trice) tutor
un/une vendeur(euse) salesperson
un/une veterinaire veterinarian
future stem of avoir aur
future stem of aller ir
future stem of etre ser
future stem of faire fer
future stem of pouvoir pourr
future stem of vouloir voudr
future endings ai, as, a, ons, ez, ont
form future perfect use avoir or etre in the future and past participle of main verb
form present participle remove ons from nous form and add ant
present participle stem of etre etant
present participle stem of avoir ayant
present participle stem of savoir sachant
en + present participle when someone is doing something at the same time as something else, or to express how or why something is done
un afficheur caller ID
avoir de l'experience to have experience
une petit annonce ad
appeler call
repondre answer
un apprentissage apprenticeship
un stage internship
l'architecture architecture
un cabinet office
le combine receiver
debutante beginner
diriger to lead/be in charge of
une duree de a duration of
decrocher to pick up
raccrocher hang up the phone
un emploi job
un entretien/une entrevue interview
etre au chomage to be unemployed
etre engage/licenciee to be hired/laid off
gagner l'argent to earn money
des heures supplementaires overtime
obtenir to get
un salaire salary
sans fil cordless
le/la secretaire secretary
la societe company
la sonnerie ringing
transferer l'appel/passer to transfer the call/to transfer
un travail a temps plain/partiel full/part time job
Qu'est ce que to as l'intention de what do you intent to
qu'est ce que tu comptes faire comme what are you planning to do as a
quels sont tes projets d'avenir what are your plans for the future
ca me plairait d' i'd like to
travailler dans work in
meme que same as
aucune idee no idea
te/vous serait-il possible de would it be possible for you to
ca ne t'/vous ennuierait pas de would you mind
talk about l'agence nationale pour l'emploi the national employment agency (or NAE) is an organization created in 1967 to centralize offers and job applications. Since 1997, the Web site of the SEA has developed and today offers online consultation of hundreds of thousands of jobs.
Created by: lieren13e
Popular French sets




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